Class Victor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sendable, MotorController, SpeedController, AutoCloseable

public class Victor
extends PWMMotorController
VEX Robotics Victor 888 Motor Controller The Vex Robotics Victor 884 Motor Controller can also be used with this class but may need to be calibrated per the Victor 884 user manual.

Note that the Victor uses the following bounds for PWM values. These values were determined empirically and optimized for the Victor 888. These values should work reasonably well for Victor 884 controllers also but if users experience issues such as asymmetric behavior around the deadband or inability to saturate the controller in either direction, calibration is recommended. The calibration procedure can be found in the Victor 884 User Manual available from VEX Robotics:

  • 2.027ms = full "forward"
  • 1.525ms = the "high end" of the deadband range
  • 1.507ms = center of the deadband range (off)
  • 1.490ms = the "low end" of the deadband range
  • 1.026ms = full "reverse"
  • Constructor Details

    • Victor

      public Victor​(int channel)
      channel - The PWM channel that the Victor is attached to. 0-9 are on-board, 10-19 are on the MXP port