Class GenericHIDSim

Direct Known Subclasses:
JoystickSim, PS4ControllerSim, XboxControllerSim

public class GenericHIDSim
extends Object
Class to control a simulated generic joystick.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected int m_port  
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    GenericHIDSim​(int port)
    Constructs from a joystick port number.
    GenericHIDSim​(GenericHID joystick)
    Constructs from a GenericHID object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean getOutput​(int outputNumber)
    Read the output of a button.
    long getOutputs()
    Get the encoded 16-bit integer that passes button values.
    double getRumble​(GenericHID.RumbleType type)
    Get the joystick rumble.
    void notifyNewData()
    Updates joystick data so that new values are visible to the user program.
    void setAxisCount​(int count)
    Set the axis count of this device.
    void setAxisType​(int axis, int type)
    Set the type of an axis.
    void setButtonCount​(int count)
    Set the button count of this device.
    void setName​(String name)
    Set the name of this device.
    void setPOV​(int value)
    Set the value of the default POV (port 0).
    void setPOV​(int pov, int value)
    Set the value of a given POV.
    void setPOVCount​(int count)
    Set the POV count of this device.
    void setRawAxis​(int axis, double value)
    Set the value of a given axis.
    void setRawButton​(int button, boolean value)
    Set the value of a given button.
    void setType​(GenericHID.HIDType type)
    Set the type of this device.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • notifyNewData

      public void notifyNewData()
      Updates joystick data so that new values are visible to the user program.
    • setRawButton

      public void setRawButton​(int button, boolean value)
      Set the value of a given button.
      button - the button to set
      value - the new value
    • setRawAxis

      public void setRawAxis​(int axis, double value)
      Set the value of a given axis.
      axis - the axis to set
      value - the new value
    • setPOV

      public void setPOV​(int pov, int value)
      Set the value of a given POV.
      pov - the POV to set
      value - the new value
    • setPOV

      public void setPOV​(int value)
      Set the value of the default POV (port 0).
      value - the new value
    • setAxisCount

      public void setAxisCount​(int count)
      Set the axis count of this device.
      count - the new axis count
    • setPOVCount

      public void setPOVCount​(int count)
      Set the POV count of this device.
      count - the new POV count
    • setButtonCount

      public void setButtonCount​(int count)
      Set the button count of this device.
      count - the new button count
    • setType

      public void setType​(GenericHID.HIDType type)
      Set the type of this device.
      type - the new device type
    • setName

      public void setName​(String name)
      Set the name of this device.
      name - the new device name
    • setAxisType

      public void setAxisType​(int axis, int type)
      Set the type of an axis.
      axis - the axis
      type - the type
    • getOutput

      public boolean getOutput​(int outputNumber)
      Read the output of a button.
      outputNumber - the button number
      the value of the button (true = pressed)
    • getOutputs

      public long getOutputs()
      Get the encoded 16-bit integer that passes button values.
      the button values
    • getRumble

      public double getRumble​(GenericHID.RumbleType type)
      Get the joystick rumble.
      type - the rumble to read
      the rumble value