001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics;
007import edu.wpi.first.math.MathSharedStore;
008import edu.wpi.first.math.MathUsageId;
009import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
010import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d;
011import java.util.Arrays;
012import java.util.Collections;
013import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
016 * Helper class that converts a chassis velocity (dx, dy, and dtheta components) into individual
017 * module states (speed and angle).
018 *
019 * <p>The inverse kinematics (converting from a desired chassis velocity to individual module
020 * states) uses the relative locations of the modules with respect to the center of rotation. The
021 * center of rotation for inverse kinematics is also variable. This means that you can set your set
022 * your center of rotation in a corner of the robot to perform special evasion maneuvers.
023 *
024 * <p>Forward kinematics (converting an array of module states into the overall chassis motion) is
025 * performs the exact opposite of what inverse kinematics does. Since this is an overdetermined
026 * system (more equations than variables), we use a least-squares approximation.
027 *
028 * <p>The inverse kinematics: [moduleStates] = [moduleLocations] * [chassisSpeeds] We take the
029 * Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of [moduleLocations] and then multiply by [moduleStates] to get our
030 * chassis speeds.
031 *
032 * <p>Forward kinematics is also used for odometry -- determining the position of the robot on the
033 * field using encoders and a gyro.
034 */
035public class SwerveDriveKinematics {
036  private final SimpleMatrix m_inverseKinematics;
037  private final SimpleMatrix m_forwardKinematics;
039  private final int m_numModules;
040  private final Translation2d[] m_modules;
041  private Translation2d m_prevCoR = new Translation2d();
043  /**
044   * Constructs a swerve drive kinematics object. This takes in a variable number of wheel locations
045   * as Translation2ds. The order in which you pass in the wheel locations is the same order that
046   * you will receive the module states when performing inverse kinematics. It is also expected that
047   * you pass in the module states in the same order when calling the forward kinematics methods.
048   *
049   * @param wheelsMeters The locations of the wheels relative to the physical center of the robot.
050   */
051  public SwerveDriveKinematics(Translation2d... wheelsMeters) {
052    if (wheelsMeters.length < 2) {
053      throw new IllegalArgumentException("A swerve drive requires at least two modules");
054    }
055    m_numModules = wheelsMeters.length;
056    m_modules = Arrays.copyOf(wheelsMeters, m_numModules);
057    m_inverseKinematics = new SimpleMatrix(m_numModules * 2, 3);
059    for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
060      m_inverseKinematics.setRow(i * 2 + 0, 0, /* Start Data */ 1, 0, -m_modules[i].getY());
061      m_inverseKinematics.setRow(i * 2 + 1, 0, /* Start Data */ 0, 1, +m_modules[i].getX());
062    }
063    m_forwardKinematics = m_inverseKinematics.pseudoInverse();
065    MathSharedStore.reportUsage(MathUsageId.kKinematics_SwerveDrive, 1);
066  }
068  /**
069   * Performs inverse kinematics to return the module states from a desired chassis velocity. This
070   * method is often used to convert joystick values into module speeds and angles.
071   *
072   * <p>This function also supports variable centers of rotation. During normal operations, the
073   * center of rotation is usually the same as the physical center of the robot; therefore, the
074   * argument is defaulted to that use case. However, if you wish to change the center of rotation
075   * for evasive maneuvers, vision alignment, or for any other use case, you can do so.
076   *
077   * @param chassisSpeeds The desired chassis speed.
078   * @param centerOfRotationMeters The center of rotation. For example, if you set the center of
079   *     rotation at one corner of the robot and provide a chassis speed that only has a dtheta
080   *     component, the robot will rotate around that corner.
081   * @return An array containing the module states. Use caution because these module states are not
082   *     normalized. Sometimes, a user input may cause one of the module speeds to go above the
083   *     attainable max velocity. Use the {@link #desaturateWheelSpeeds(SwerveModuleState[], double)
084   *     DesaturateWheelSpeeds} function to rectify this issue.
085   */
086  @SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableName")
087  public SwerveModuleState[] toSwerveModuleStates(
088      ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds, Translation2d centerOfRotationMeters) {
089    if (!centerOfRotationMeters.equals(m_prevCoR)) {
090      for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
091        m_inverseKinematics.setRow(
092            i * 2 + 0,
093            0, /* Start Data */
094            1,
095            0,
096            -m_modules[i].getY() + centerOfRotationMeters.getY());
097        m_inverseKinematics.setRow(
098            i * 2 + 1,
099            0, /* Start Data */
100            0,
101            1,
102            +m_modules[i].getX() - centerOfRotationMeters.getX());
103      }
104      m_prevCoR = centerOfRotationMeters;
105    }
107    var chassisSpeedsVector = new SimpleMatrix(3, 1);
108    chassisSpeedsVector.setColumn(
109        0,
110        0,
111        chassisSpeeds.vxMetersPerSecond,
112        chassisSpeeds.vyMetersPerSecond,
113        chassisSpeeds.omegaRadiansPerSecond);
115    var moduleStatesMatrix = m_inverseKinematics.mult(chassisSpeedsVector);
116    SwerveModuleState[] moduleStates = new SwerveModuleState[m_numModules];
118    for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
119      double x = moduleStatesMatrix.get(i * 2, 0);
120      double y = moduleStatesMatrix.get(i * 2 + 1, 0);
122      double speed = Math.hypot(x, y);
123      Rotation2d angle = new Rotation2d(x, y);
125      moduleStates[i] = new SwerveModuleState(speed, angle);
126    }
128    return moduleStates;
129  }
131  /**
132   * Performs inverse kinematics. See {@link #toSwerveModuleStates(ChassisSpeeds, Translation2d)}
133   * toSwerveModuleStates for more information.
134   *
135   * @param chassisSpeeds The desired chassis speed.
136   * @return An array containing the module states.
137   */
138  public SwerveModuleState[] toSwerveModuleStates(ChassisSpeeds chassisSpeeds) {
139    return toSwerveModuleStates(chassisSpeeds, new Translation2d());
140  }
142  /**
143   * Performs forward kinematics to return the resulting chassis state from the given module states.
144   * This method is often used for odometry -- determining the robot's position on the field using
145   * data from the real-world speed and angle of each module on the robot.
146   *
147   * @param wheelStates The state of the modules (as a SwerveModuleState type) as measured from
148   *     respective encoders and gyros. The order of the swerve module states should be same as
149   *     passed into the constructor of this class.
150   * @return The resulting chassis speed.
151   */
152  public ChassisSpeeds toChassisSpeeds(SwerveModuleState... wheelStates) {
153    if (wheelStates.length != m_numModules) {
154      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
155          "Number of modules is not consistent with number of wheel locations provided in "
156              + "constructor");
157    }
158    var moduleStatesMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(m_numModules * 2, 1);
160    for (int i = 0; i < m_numModules; i++) {
161      var module = wheelStates[i];
162      moduleStatesMatrix.set(i * 2, 0, module.speedMetersPerSecond * module.angle.getCos());
163      moduleStatesMatrix.set(i * 2 + 1, module.speedMetersPerSecond * module.angle.getSin());
164    }
166    var chassisSpeedsVector = m_forwardKinematics.mult(moduleStatesMatrix);
167    return new ChassisSpeeds(
168        chassisSpeedsVector.get(0, 0),
169        chassisSpeedsVector.get(1, 0),
170        chassisSpeedsVector.get(2, 0));
171  }
173  /**
174   * Renormalizes the wheel speeds if any individual speed is above the specified maximum.
175   *
176   * <p>Sometimes, after inverse kinematics, the requested speed from one or more modules may be
177   * above the max attainable speed for the driving motor on that module. To fix this issue, one can
178   * reduce all the wheel speeds to make sure that all requested module speeds are at-or-below the
179   * absolute threshold, while maintaining the ratio of speeds between modules.
180   *
181   * @param moduleStates Reference to array of module states. The array will be mutated with the
182   *     normalized speeds!
183   * @param attainableMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond The absolute max speed that a module can reach.
184   */
185  public static void desaturateWheelSpeeds(
186      SwerveModuleState[] moduleStates, double attainableMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond) {
187    double realMaxSpeed = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(moduleStates)).speedMetersPerSecond;
188    if (realMaxSpeed > attainableMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond) {
189      for (SwerveModuleState moduleState : moduleStates) {
190        moduleState.speedMetersPerSecond =
191            moduleState.speedMetersPerSecond / realMaxSpeed * attainableMaxSpeedMetersPerSecond;
192      }
193    }
194  }