001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.networktables;
008 * Flag values for use with entry listeners.
009 *
010 * <p>The flags are a bitmask and must be OR'ed together to indicate the combination of events
011 * desired to be received.
012 *
013 * <p>The constants kNew, kDelete, kUpdate, and kFlags represent different events that can occur to
014 * entries.
015 *
016 * <p>By default, notifications are only generated for remote changes occurring after the listener
017 * is created. The constants kImmediate and kLocal are modifiers that cause notifications to be
018 * generated at other times.
019 */
020public interface EntryListenerFlags {
021  /**
022   * Initial listener addition.
023   *
024   * <p>Set this flag to receive immediate notification of entries matching the flag criteria
025   * (generally only useful when combined with kNew).
026   */
027  int kImmediate = 0x01;
029  /**
030   * Changed locally.
031   *
032   * <p>Set this flag to receive notification of both local changes and changes coming from remote
033   * nodes. By default, notifications are only generated for remote changes. Must be combined with
034   * some combination of kNew, kDelete, kUpdate, and kFlags to receive notifications of those
035   * respective events.
036   */
037  int kLocal = 0x02;
039  /**
040   * Newly created entry.
041   *
042   * <p>Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry is created.
043   */
044  int kNew = 0x04;
046  /**
047   * Entry was deleted.
048   *
049   * <p>Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry is deleted.
050   */
051  int kDelete = 0x08;
053  /**
054   * Entry's value changed.
055   *
056   * <p>Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry's value (or type) changes.
057   */
058  int kUpdate = 0x10;
060  /**
061   * Entry's flags changed.
062   *
063   * <p>Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry's flags value changes.
064   */
065  int kFlags = 0x20;