001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.networktables;
007/** NetworkTables Entry notification. */
008public final class EntryNotification {
009  /** Listener that was triggered. */
010  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
011  public final int listener;
013  /** Entry handle. */
014  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
015  public final int entry;
017  /** Entry name. */
018  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
019  public final String name;
021  /** The new value. */
022  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
023  public final NetworkTableValue value;
025  /**
026   * Update flags. For example, {@link EntryListenerFlags#kNew} if the key did not previously exist.
027   */
028  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
029  public final int flags;
031  /**
032   * Constructor. This should generally only be used internally to NetworkTables.
033   *
034   * @param inst Instance
035   * @param listener Listener that was triggered
036   * @param entry Entry handle
037   * @param name Entry name
038   * @param value The new value
039   * @param flags Update flags
040   */
041  public EntryNotification(
042      NetworkTableInstance inst,
043      int listener,
044      int entry,
045      String name,
046      NetworkTableValue value,
047      int flags) {
048    this.m_inst = inst;
049    this.listener = listener;
050    this.entry = entry;
051    this.name = name;
052    this.value = value;
053    this.flags = flags;
054  }
056  /* Network table instance. */
057  private final NetworkTableInstance m_inst;
059  /* Cached entry object. */
060  NetworkTableEntry m_entryObject;
062  /**
063   * Get the entry as an object.
064   *
065   * @return NetworkTableEntry for this entry.
066   */
067  public NetworkTableEntry getEntry() {
068    if (m_entryObject == null) {
069      m_entryObject = new NetworkTableEntry(m_inst, entry);
070    }
071    return m_entryObject;
072  }