001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.networktables;
007/** Network table data types. */
008public enum NetworkTableType {
009  kUnassigned(0),
010  kBoolean(0x01),
011  kDouble(0x02),
012  kString(0x04),
013  kRaw(0x08),
014  kBooleanArray(0x10),
015  kDoubleArray(0x20),
016  kStringArray(0x40),
017  kRpc(0x80);
019  private final int value;
021  NetworkTableType(int value) {
022    this.value = value;
023  }
025  public int getValue() {
026    return value;
027  }
029  /**
030   * Convert from the numerical representation of type to an enum type.
031   *
032   * @param value The numerical representation of kind
033   * @return The kind
034   */
035  public static NetworkTableType getFromInt(int value) {
036    switch (value) {
037      case 0x01:
038        return kBoolean;
039      case 0x02:
040        return kDouble;
041      case 0x04:
042        return kString;
043      case 0x08:
044        return kRaw;
045      case 0x10:
046        return kBooleanArray;
047      case 0x20:
048        return kDoubleArray;
049      case 0x40:
050        return kStringArray;
051      case 0x80:
052        return kRpc;
053      default:
054        return kUnassigned;
055    }
056  }