002// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
004package org.opencv.imgproc;
006import org.opencv.core.Algorithm;
007import org.opencv.core.Mat;
008import org.opencv.core.Size;
010// C++: class LineSegmentDetector
012 * Line segment detector class
013 *
014 * following the algorithm described at CITE: Rafael12 .
015 *
016 * <b>Note:</b> Implementation has been removed due original code license conflict
017 */
018public class LineSegmentDetector extends Algorithm {
020    protected LineSegmentDetector(long addr) { super(addr); }
022    // internal usage only
023    public static LineSegmentDetector __fromPtr__(long addr) { return new LineSegmentDetector(addr); }
025    //
026    // C++:  void cv::LineSegmentDetector::detect(Mat _image, Mat& _lines, Mat& width = Mat(), Mat& prec = Mat(), Mat& nfa = Mat())
027    //
029    /**
030     * Finds lines in the input image.
031     *
032     *     This is the output of the default parameters of the algorithm on the above shown image.
033     *
034     *     ![image](pics/building_lsd.png)
035     *
036     *     @param _image A grayscale (CV_8UC1) input image. If only a roi needs to be selected, use:
037     *     {@code lsd_ptr-&gt;detect(image(roi), lines, ...); lines += Scalar(roi.x, roi.y, roi.x, roi.y);}
038     *     @param _lines A vector of Vec4i or Vec4f elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line. Where
039     *     Vec4i/Vec4f is (x1, y1, x2, y2), point 1 is the start, point 2 - end. Returned lines are strictly
040     *     oriented depending on the gradient.
041     *     @param width Vector of widths of the regions, where the lines are found. E.g. Width of line.
042     *     @param prec Vector of precisions with which the lines are found.
043     *     @param nfa Vector containing number of false alarms in the line region, with precision of 10%. The
044     *     bigger the value, logarithmically better the detection.
045     * <ul>
046     *   <li>
047     *      -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
048     *   </li>
049     *   <li>
050     *      0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
051     *   </li>
052     *   <li>
053     *      1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
054     *     This vector will be calculated only when the objects type is #LSD_REFINE_ADV.
055     *   </li>
056     * </ul>
057     */
058    public void detect(Mat _image, Mat _lines, Mat width, Mat prec, Mat nfa) {
059        detect_0(nativeObj, _image.nativeObj, _lines.nativeObj, width.nativeObj, prec.nativeObj, nfa.nativeObj);
060    }
062    /**
063     * Finds lines in the input image.
064     *
065     *     This is the output of the default parameters of the algorithm on the above shown image.
066     *
067     *     ![image](pics/building_lsd.png)
068     *
069     *     @param _image A grayscale (CV_8UC1) input image. If only a roi needs to be selected, use:
070     *     {@code lsd_ptr-&gt;detect(image(roi), lines, ...); lines += Scalar(roi.x, roi.y, roi.x, roi.y);}
071     *     @param _lines A vector of Vec4i or Vec4f elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line. Where
072     *     Vec4i/Vec4f is (x1, y1, x2, y2), point 1 is the start, point 2 - end. Returned lines are strictly
073     *     oriented depending on the gradient.
074     *     @param width Vector of widths of the regions, where the lines are found. E.g. Width of line.
075     *     @param prec Vector of precisions with which the lines are found.
076     *     bigger the value, logarithmically better the detection.
077     * <ul>
078     *   <li>
079     *      -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
080     *   </li>
081     *   <li>
082     *      0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
083     *   </li>
084     *   <li>
085     *      1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
086     *     This vector will be calculated only when the objects type is #LSD_REFINE_ADV.
087     *   </li>
088     * </ul>
089     */
090    public void detect(Mat _image, Mat _lines, Mat width, Mat prec) {
091        detect_1(nativeObj, _image.nativeObj, _lines.nativeObj, width.nativeObj, prec.nativeObj);
092    }
094    /**
095     * Finds lines in the input image.
096     *
097     *     This is the output of the default parameters of the algorithm on the above shown image.
098     *
099     *     ![image](pics/building_lsd.png)
100     *
101     *     @param _image A grayscale (CV_8UC1) input image. If only a roi needs to be selected, use:
102     *     {@code lsd_ptr-&gt;detect(image(roi), lines, ...); lines += Scalar(roi.x, roi.y, roi.x, roi.y);}
103     *     @param _lines A vector of Vec4i or Vec4f elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line. Where
104     *     Vec4i/Vec4f is (x1, y1, x2, y2), point 1 is the start, point 2 - end. Returned lines are strictly
105     *     oriented depending on the gradient.
106     *     @param width Vector of widths of the regions, where the lines are found. E.g. Width of line.
107     *     bigger the value, logarithmically better the detection.
108     * <ul>
109     *   <li>
110     *      -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
111     *   </li>
112     *   <li>
113     *      0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
114     *   </li>
115     *   <li>
116     *      1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
117     *     This vector will be calculated only when the objects type is #LSD_REFINE_ADV.
118     *   </li>
119     * </ul>
120     */
121    public void detect(Mat _image, Mat _lines, Mat width) {
122        detect_2(nativeObj, _image.nativeObj, _lines.nativeObj, width.nativeObj);
123    }
125    /**
126     * Finds lines in the input image.
127     *
128     *     This is the output of the default parameters of the algorithm on the above shown image.
129     *
130     *     ![image](pics/building_lsd.png)
131     *
132     *     @param _image A grayscale (CV_8UC1) input image. If only a roi needs to be selected, use:
133     *     {@code lsd_ptr-&gt;detect(image(roi), lines, ...); lines += Scalar(roi.x, roi.y, roi.x, roi.y);}
134     *     @param _lines A vector of Vec4i or Vec4f elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line. Where
135     *     Vec4i/Vec4f is (x1, y1, x2, y2), point 1 is the start, point 2 - end. Returned lines are strictly
136     *     oriented depending on the gradient.
137     *     bigger the value, logarithmically better the detection.
138     * <ul>
139     *   <li>
140     *      -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
141     *   </li>
142     *   <li>
143     *      0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
144     *   </li>
145     *   <li>
146     *      1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
147     *     This vector will be calculated only when the objects type is #LSD_REFINE_ADV.
148     *   </li>
149     * </ul>
150     */
151    public void detect(Mat _image, Mat _lines) {
152        detect_3(nativeObj, _image.nativeObj, _lines.nativeObj);
153    }
156    //
157    // C++:  void cv::LineSegmentDetector::drawSegments(Mat& _image, Mat lines)
158    //
160    /**
161     * Draws the line segments on a given image.
162     *     @param _image The image, where the lines will be drawn. Should be bigger or equal to the image,
163     *     where the lines were found.
164     *     @param lines A vector of the lines that needed to be drawn.
165     */
166    public void drawSegments(Mat _image, Mat lines) {
167        drawSegments_0(nativeObj, _image.nativeObj, lines.nativeObj);
168    }
171    //
172    // C++:  int cv::LineSegmentDetector::compareSegments(Size size, Mat lines1, Mat lines2, Mat& _image = Mat())
173    //
175    /**
176     * Draws two groups of lines in blue and red, counting the non overlapping (mismatching) pixels.
177     *
178     *     @param size The size of the image, where lines1 and lines2 were found.
179     *     @param lines1 The first group of lines that needs to be drawn. It is visualized in blue color.
180     *     @param lines2 The second group of lines. They visualized in red color.
181     *     @param _image Optional image, where the lines will be drawn. The image should be color(3-channel)
182     *     in order for lines1 and lines2 to be drawn in the above mentioned colors.
183     * @return automatically generated
184     */
185    public int compareSegments(Size size, Mat lines1, Mat lines2, Mat _image) {
186        return compareSegments_0(nativeObj, size.width, size.height, lines1.nativeObj, lines2.nativeObj, _image.nativeObj);
187    }
189    /**
190     * Draws two groups of lines in blue and red, counting the non overlapping (mismatching) pixels.
191     *
192     *     @param size The size of the image, where lines1 and lines2 were found.
193     *     @param lines1 The first group of lines that needs to be drawn. It is visualized in blue color.
194     *     @param lines2 The second group of lines. They visualized in red color.
195     *     in order for lines1 and lines2 to be drawn in the above mentioned colors.
196     * @return automatically generated
197     */
198    public int compareSegments(Size size, Mat lines1, Mat lines2) {
199        return compareSegments_1(nativeObj, size.width, size.height, lines1.nativeObj, lines2.nativeObj);
200    }
203    @Override
204    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
205        delete(nativeObj);
206    }
210    // C++:  void cv::LineSegmentDetector::detect(Mat _image, Mat& _lines, Mat& width = Mat(), Mat& prec = Mat(), Mat& nfa = Mat())
211    private static native void detect_0(long nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj, long _lines_nativeObj, long width_nativeObj, long prec_nativeObj, long nfa_nativeObj);
212    private static native void detect_1(long nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj, long _lines_nativeObj, long width_nativeObj, long prec_nativeObj);
213    private static native void detect_2(long nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj, long _lines_nativeObj, long width_nativeObj);
214    private static native void detect_3(long nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj, long _lines_nativeObj);
216    // C++:  void cv::LineSegmentDetector::drawSegments(Mat& _image, Mat lines)
217    private static native void drawSegments_0(long nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj, long lines_nativeObj);
219    // C++:  int cv::LineSegmentDetector::compareSegments(Size size, Mat lines1, Mat lines2, Mat& _image = Mat())
220    private static native int compareSegments_0(long nativeObj, double size_width, double size_height, long lines1_nativeObj, long lines2_nativeObj, long _image_nativeObj);
221    private static native int compareSegments_1(long nativeObj, double size_width, double size_height, long lines1_nativeObj, long lines2_nativeObj);
223    // native support for java finalize()
224    private static native void delete(long nativeObj);