001package com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can;
003import com.ctre.phoenix.CTREJNIWrapper;
005public class MotControllerJNI extends CTREJNIWrapper {
007        public static native long Create(int baseArbId);
009        public static native long Create2(int deviceID, String model, String canbus);
011    public static native int JNI_destroy_MotController(long handle);
013        //public static native void JNI_destroy_AllMotControllers();
015        /**
016         * Returns the Device ID
017         *
018         * @param handle
019         *            handle of device.
020         *
021         * @return Device number.
022         */
023        public static native int GetDeviceNumber(long handle);
025        public static native int GetBaseID(long handle);
027        /**
028         * Sets the demand (output) of the motor controller.
029         *
030         * @param handle
031         *            handle of device.
032         * @param mode
033         *            Control Mode of the Motor Controller
034         * @param demand0
035         *            Primary Demand value
036         * @param demand1
037         *            Secondary Demand value
038         **/
039        public static native void SetDemand(long handle, int mode, int demand0, int demand1);
041        /**
042         * Sets the demand (output) of the motor controller.
043         **/
044        public static native void Set_4(long handle, int mode, double demand0, double demand1, int demand1Type);
046        /**
047         * Sets the mode of operation during neutral throttle output.
048         *
049         * @param handle
050         *            handle of device.
051         * @param neutralMode
052         *            The desired mode of operation when the Controller output
053         *            throttle is neutral (ie brake/coast)
054         **/
055        public static native void SetNeutralMode(long handle, int neutralMode);
057        /**
058         * Sets the phase of the sensor. Use when controller forward/reverse output
059         * doesn't correlate to appropriate forward/reverse reading of sensor.
060         *
061         * @param handle
062         *            handle of device.
063         * @param PhaseSensor
064         *            Indicates whether to invert the phase of the sensor.
065         **/
066        public static native void SetSensorPhase(long handle, boolean PhaseSensor);
068        /**
069         * Inverts the output of the motor controller. LEDs, sensor phase, and limit
070         * switches will also be inverted to match the new forward/reverse
071         * directions.
072         *
073         * @param handle
074         *            handle of device.
075         * @param invert
076         *            Invert state to set.
077         **/
078        public static native void SetInverted(long handle, boolean invert);
080        /**
081         * Inverts the output of the motor controller. LEDs, sensor phase, and limit
082         * switches will also be inverted to match the new forward/reverse
083         * directions.
084         *
085         * @param handle
086         *            handle of device.
087         * @param invert
088         *            Invert state to set.
089         **/
090        public static native void SetInverted_2(long handle, int invert);
092        /**
093         * Revert all configurations to factory default values.
094         * Use this before your individual config* calls to avoid having to config every single param.
095         *
096         * Alternatively you can use the configAllSettings routine.
097         *
098         * @param handle
099         *            handle of device.
100         * @param timeoutMs
101         *            Timeout value in ms. Function will generate error if config is
102         *            not successful within timeout.
103         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
104         */
105        public static native int ConfigFactoryDefault(long handle, int timeoutMs);
107        /**
108         * Configures the open-loop ramp rate of throttle output.
109         *
110         * @param handle
111         *            handle of device.
112         * @param secondsFromNeutralToFull
113         *            Minimum desired time to go from neutral to full throttle. A
114         *            value of '0' will disable the ramp.
115         * @param timeoutMs
116         *            Timeout value in ms. Function will generate error if config is
117         *            not successful within timeout.
118         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
119         */
120        public static native int ConfigOpenLoopRamp(long handle, double secondsFromNeutralToFull, int timeoutMs);
122        /**
123         * Configures the closed-loop ramp rate of throttle output.
124         *
125         * @param handle
126         *            handle of device.
127         * @param secondsFromNeutralToFull
128         *            Minimum desired time to go from neutral to full throttle. A
129         *            value of '0' will disable the ramp.
130         * @param timeoutMs
131         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
132         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
133         */
134        public static native int ConfigClosedLoopRamp(long handle, double secondsFromNeutralToFull, int timeoutMs);
136        /**
137         * Configures the forward peak output percentage.
138         *
139         * @param handle
140         *            handle of device.
141         * @param percentOut
142         *            Desired peak output percentage.
143         * @param timeoutMs
144         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
145         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
146         */
147        public static native int ConfigPeakOutputForward(long handle, double percentOut, int timeoutMs);
149        /**
150         * Configures the reverse peak output percentage.
151         *
152         * @param handle
153         *            handle of device.
154         * @param percentOut
155         *            Desired peak output percentage.
156         * @param timeoutMs
157         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
158         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
159         */
160        public static native int ConfigPeakOutputReverse(long handle, double percentOut, int timeoutMs);
162        /**
163         * Configures the forward nominal output percentage.
164         *
165         * @param handle
166         *            handle of device.
167         * @param percentOut
168         *            Nominal (minimum) percent output.
169         * @param timeoutMs
170         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
171         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
172         */
173        public static native int ConfigNominalOutputForward(long handle, double percentOut, int timeoutMs);
175        /**
176         * Configures the reverse nominal output percentage.
177         *
178         * @param handle
179         *            handle of device.
180         * @param percentOut
181         *            Nominal (minimum) percent output.
182         * @param timeoutMs
183         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
184         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
185         */
186        public static native int ConfigNominalOutputReverse(long handle, double percentOut, int timeoutMs);
188        /**
189         * Configures the output deadband percentage.
190         *
191         * @param handle
192         *            handle of device.
193         * @param percentDeadband
194         *            Desired deadband percentage. Minimum is 0.1%, Maximum is 25%.
195         * @param timeoutMs
196         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
197         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
198         */
199        public static native int ConfigNeutralDeadband(long handle, double percentDeadband, int timeoutMs);
201        /**
202         * Configures the Voltage Compensation saturation voltage.
203         *
204         * @param handle
205         *            handle of device.
206         * @param voltage
207         *            TO-DO: Comment me!
208         * @param timeoutMs
209         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
210         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
211         */
212        public static native int ConfigVoltageCompSaturation(long handle, double voltage, int timeoutMs);
214        /**
215         * Configures the voltage measurement filter.
216         *
217         * @param handle
218         *            handle of device.
219         * @param filterWindowSamples
220         *            Number of samples in the rolling average of voltage
221         *            measurement.
222         * @param timeoutMs
223         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
224         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
225         */
226        public static native int ConfigVoltageMeasurementFilter(long handle, int filterWindowSamples, int timeoutMs);
228        /**
229         * Enables voltage compensation. If enabled, voltage compensation works in
230         * all control modes.
231         *
232         * Be sure to configure the saturation voltage before enabling this.
233         *
234         * @param handle
235         *            handle of device.
236         * @param enable
237         *            Enable state of voltage compensation.
238         **/
239        public static native void EnableVoltageCompensation(long handle, boolean enable);
241        /**
242         * Gets the invert state of the motor controller.
243         *
244         * @param handle
245         *            handle of device.
246         * @return The invert state.
247         */
248        public static native boolean GetInverted(long handle);
250        /**
251         * Gets the bus voltage seen by the motor controller.
252         *
253         * @param handle
254         *            handle of device.
255         * @return The bus voltage value (in volts).
256         */
257        public static native double GetBusVoltage(long handle);
259        /**
260         * Gets the output percentage of the motor controller.
261         *
262         * @param handle
263         *            handle of device.
264         * @return Output of the motor controller (in percent).
265         */
266        public static native double GetMotorOutputPercent(long handle);
268        /**
269         * Gets the output current of the motor controller.
270         * In the case of TalonSRX class, this routine returns supply current for legacy reasons.  In order to get the "true" output current, call GetStatorCurrent().
271         * In the case of TalonFX class, this routine returns the true output stator current.
272         *
273         * @deprecated Use getStatorCurrent/getSupplyCurrent instead.
274         * @param handle
275         *                        handle of device
276         *
277         * @return The output current (in amps).
278         */
279        @Deprecated
280        public static native double GetOutputCurrent(long handle);
282        /**
283         * Gets the stator/output current of the motor controller.
284         *
285         * @param handle
286         *                        handle of device
287         * @return The stator/output current (in amps).
288         */
289        public static native double GetSupplyCurrent(long handle);
291        /**
292         * Gets the stator/output current of the motor controller.
293         *
294         * @param handle
295         *                        handle of device
296         * @return The stator/output current (in amps).
297         */
298        public static native double GetStatorCurrent(long handle);
300        /**
301         * Gets the temperature of the motor controller.
302         *
303         * @param handle
304         *            handle of device.
305         * @return The temperature of the motor controller (in 'C)
306         */
307        public static native double GetTemperature(long handle);
309        /**
310         * Configures the remote feedback filter.
311         *
312         * @param handle
313         *            handle of device.
314         * @param deviceID
315         *            ID of remote device.
316         * @param remoteSensorSource
317         *            Type of remote sensor.
318         * @param remoteOrdinal
319         *            Ordinal of remote source [0-1].
320         * @param timeoutMs
321         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
322         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
323         */
324        public static native int ConfigRemoteFeedbackFilter(long handle, int deviceID, int remoteSensorSource,
325                        int remoteOrdinal, int timeoutMs);
327        /**
328         * Select the feedback device for the motor controller.
329         *
330         * @param handle
331         *            handle of device.
332         * @param feedbackDevice
333         *            Feedback Device to select.
334         * @param pidIdx
335         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
336         * @param timeoutMs
337         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
338         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
339         */
340        public static native int ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(long handle, int feedbackDevice, int pidIdx, int timeoutMs);
342        public static native int ConfigSensorTerm(long handle, int sensorTerm, int feedbackDevice, int timeoutMs);
344        /**
345         * Get the selected sensor position.
346         *
347         * @param handle
348         *            handle of device.
349         * @param pidIdx
350         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
351         * @return Position of selected sensor (in Raw Sensor Units).
352         */
353        public static native int GetSelectedSensorPosition(long handle, int pidIdx);
355        /**
356         * Get the selected sensor velocity.
357         *
358         * @param handle
359         *            handle of device.
360         * @param pidIdx
361         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
362         * @return Velocity of selected sensor (in Raw Sensor Units per 100 ms).
363         */
364        public static native int GetSelectedSensorVelocity(long handle, int pidIdx);
366        /**
367         * Sets the sensor position to the given value.
368         *
369         * @param handle
370         *            handle of device.
371         * @param sensorPos
372         *            Position to set for the selected sensor (in Raw Sensor Units).
373         * @param pidIdx
374         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
375         * @param timeoutMs
376         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
377         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
378         */
379        public static native int SetSelectedSensorPosition(long handle, int sensorPos, int pidIdx, int timeoutMs);
381        /**
382         * Sets the period of the given control frame.
383         *
384         * @param handle
385         *            handle of device.
386         * @param frame
387         *            Frame whose period is to be changed.
388         * @param periodMs
389         *            Period in ms for the given frame.
390         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
391         */
392        public static native int SetControlFramePeriod(long handle, int frame, int periodMs);
394        /**
395         * Sets the period of the given status frame.
396         *
397         * @param handle
398         *            handle of device.
399         * @param frame
400         *            Frame whose period is to be changed.
401         * @param periodMs
402         *            Period in ms for the given frame.
403         * @param timeoutMs
404         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
405         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
406         */
407        public static native int SetStatusFramePeriod(long handle, int frame, int periodMs, int timeoutMs);
409        /**
410         * Gets the period of the given status frame.
411         *
412         * @param handle
413         *            handle of device.
414         * @param frame
415         *            Frame to get the period of.
416         * @param timeoutMs
417         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
418         * @return The period of the given status frame.
419         */
420        public static native int GetStatusFramePeriod(long handle, int frame, int timeoutMs);
422        /**
423         * Sets the period over which velocity measurements are taken.
424         *
425         * @param handle
426         *            handle of device.
427         * @param period
428         *            Desired period for the velocity measurement. @see
429         *            com.ctre.phoenix.sensors.SensorVelocityMeasPeriod
430         * @param timeoutMs
431         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
432         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
433         */
434        public static native int ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(long handle, int period, int timeoutMs);
436        /**
437         * Sets the number of velocity samples used in the rolling average velocity
438         * measurement.
439         *
440         * @param handle
441         *            handle of device.
442         * @param windowSize
443         *            Number of samples in the rolling average of velocity
444         *            measurement.
445         * @param timeoutMs
446         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
447         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
448         */
449        public static native int ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(long handle, int windowSize, int timeoutMs);
451        /**
452         * Configures the forward limit switch for a remote source.
453         *
454         * @param handle
455         *            handle of device.
456         * @param type
457         *            Remote limit switch source. @see com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.LimitSwitchSource
458         * @param normalOpenOrClose
459         *            Setting for normally open or normally closed.
460         * @param deviceID
461         *            Device ID of remote source.
462         * @param timeoutMs
463         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
464         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
465         */
466        public static native int ConfigForwardLimitSwitchSource(long handle, int type, int normalOpenOrClose, int deviceID,
467                        int timeoutMs);
469        /**
470         * Configures the reverse limit switch for a remote source.
471         *
472         * @param handle
473         *            handle of device.
474         * @param type
475         *            Remote limit switch source. @see com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.LimitSwitchSource
476         * @param normalOpenOrClose
477         *            Setting for normally open or normally closed.
478         * @param deviceID
479         *            Device ID of remote source.
480         * @param timeoutMs
481         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
482         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
483         */
484        public static native int ConfigReverseLimitSwitchSource(long handle, int type, int normalOpenOrClose, int deviceID,
485                        int timeoutMs);
487        /**
488         * Sets the enable state for limit switches.
489         *
490         * @param handle
491         *            handle of device.
492         * @param enable
493         *            Enable state for limit switches.
494         **/
495        public static native void OverrideLimitSwitchesEnable(long handle, boolean enable);
497        /**
498         * Configures the forward soft limit.
499         *
500         * @param handle
501         *            handle of device.
502         * @param forwardSensorLimit
503         *            Forward Sensor Position Limit (in Raw Sensor Units).
504         * @param timeoutMs
505         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
506         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
507         */
508        public static native int ConfigForwardSoftLimitThreshold(long handle, int forwardSensorLimit, int timeoutMs);
510        /**
511         * Configures the reverse soft limit.
512         *
513         * @param handle
514         *            handle of device.
515         * @param reverseSensorLimit
516         *            Reverse Sensor Position Limit (in Raw Sensor Units).
517         * @param timeoutMs
518         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
519         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
520         */
521        public static native int ConfigReverseSoftLimitThreshold(long handle, int reverseSensorLimit, int timeoutMs);
523        public static native int ConfigForwardSoftLimitEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
525        public static native int ConfigReverseSoftLimitEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
527        /**
528         * Sets the enable state for soft limit switches.
529         *
530         * @param handle
531         *            handle of device.
532         * @param enable
533         *            Enable state for soft limit switches.
534         **/
535        public static native void OverrideSoftLimitsEnable(long handle, boolean enable);
537        /**
538         * Sets the 'P' constant in the given parameter slot.
539         * This is multiplied by closed loop error in sensor units.
540         * Note the closed loop output interprets a final value of 1023 as full output.
541         * So use a gain of '0.25' to get full output if err is 4096u (Mag Encoder 1 rotation)
542         *
543         * @param handle
544         *            handle of device.
545         * @param slotIdx
546         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
547         * @param value
548         *            Value of the P constant.
549         * @param timeoutMs
550         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
551         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
552         */
553        public static native int Config_kP(long handle, int slotIdx, double value, int timeoutMs);
555        /**
556         * Sets the 'I' constant in the given parameter slot.
557         * This is multiplied by accumulated closed loop error in sensor units every PID Loop.
558         * Note the closed loop output interprets a final value of 1023 as full output.
559         * So use a gain of '0.00025' to get full output if err is 4096u for 1000 loops (accumulater holds 4,096,000),
560         * [which is equivalent to one CTRE mag encoder rotation for 1000 milliseconds].
561         *
562         * @param handle
563         *            handle of device.
564         * @param slotIdx
565         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
566         * @param value
567         *            Value of the I constant.
568         * @param timeoutMs
569         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
570         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
571         */
572        public static native int Config_kI(long handle, int slotIdx, double value, int timeoutMs);
574        /**
575         * Sets the 'D' constant in the given parameter slot.
576         *
577         * This is multiplied by derivative error (sensor units per PID loop, typically 1ms).
578         * Note the closed loop output interprets a final value of 1023 as full output.
579         * So use a gain of '250' to get full output if derr is 4096u (Mag Encoder 1 rotation) per 1000 loops (typ 1 sec)
580         *
581         * @param handle
582         *            handle of device.
583         * @param slotIdx
584         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
585         * @param value
586         *            Value of the D constant.
587         * @param timeoutMs
588         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
589         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
590         */
591        public static native int Config_kD(long handle, int slotIdx, double value, int timeoutMs);
593        /**
594         * Sets the 'F' constant in the given parameter slot.
595         *
596         * See documentation for calculation details.
597         * If using velocity, motion magic, or motion profile,
598         * use (1023 * duty-cycle / sensor-velocity-sensor-units-per-100ms).
599         *
600         * @param handle
601         *            handle of device.
602         * @param slotIdx
603         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
604         * @param value
605         *            Value of the F constant.
606         * @param timeoutMs
607         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
608         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
609         */
610        public static native int Config_kF(long handle, int slotIdx, double value, int timeoutMs);
612        /**
613         * Sets the Integral Zone constant in the given parameter slot.
614         *
615         * @param handle
616         *            handle of device.
617         * @param slotIdx
618         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
619         * @param izone
620         *            Value of the Integral Zone constant.
621         * @param timeoutMs
622         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
623         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
624         */
625        public static native int Config_IntegralZone(long handle, int slotIdx, double izone, int timeoutMs);
627        /**
628         * Sets the allowable closed-loop error in the given parameter slot.
629         *
630         * @param handle
631         *            handle of device.
632         * @param slotIdx
633         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
634         * @param allowableClosedLoopError
635         *            Value of the allowable closed-loop error in sensor units (or sensor units per 100ms for velocity).
636         * @param timeoutMs
637         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
638         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
639         */
640        public static native int ConfigAllowableClosedloopError(long handle, int slotIdx, int allowableClosedLoopError,
641                        int timeoutMs);
643        /**
644         * Sets the maximum integral accumulator in the given parameter slot.
645         *
646         * @param handle
647         *            handle of device.
648         * @param slotIdx
649         *            Parameter slot for the constant.
650         * @param iaccum
651         *            Value of the maximum integral accumulator.
652         * @param timeoutMs
653         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
654         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
655         */
656        public static native int ConfigMaxIntegralAccumulator(long handle, int slotIdx, double iaccum, int timeoutMs);
658        /**
659         * Sets the integral accumulator.
660         *
661         * @param handle
662         *            handle of device.
663         * @param iaccum
664         *            Value to set for the integral accumulator.
665         * @param timeoutMs
666         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
667         * @param pidIdx
668         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
669         *            secondary loop.
670         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
671         */
672        public static native int SetIntegralAccumulator(long handle, double iaccum, int pidIdx, int timeoutMs);
674        /**
675         * Gets the closed-loop error. The units depend on which control mode is in
676         * use.
677         *
678         * If closed-loop is seeking a target sensor position, closed-loop error is the difference between target
679         * and current sensor value (in sensor units.  Example 4096 units per rotation for CTRE Mag Encoder).
680         *
681         * If closed-loop is seeking a target sensor velocity, closed-loop error is the difference between target
682         * and current sensor value (in sensor units per 100ms).
683         *
684         * If using motion profiling or Motion Magic, closed loop error is calculated against the current target,
685         * and not the "final" target at the end of the profile/movement.
686         *
687         * See Phoenix-Documentation information on units.
688         *
689         * @param handle
690         *            handle of device.
691         * @param pidIdx
692         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
693         *            secondary loop.
694         * @return Closed-loop error value.
695         */
696        public static native int GetClosedLoopError(long handle, int pidIdx);
698        /**
699         * Gets the iaccum value.
700         *
701         * @param handle
702         *            handle of device.
703         * @param pidIdx
704         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
705         *            secondary loop.
706         * @return Integral accumulator value.
707         */
708        public static native double GetIntegralAccumulator(long handle, int pidIdx);
710        /**
711         * Gets the derivative of the closed-loop error.
712         *
713         * @param handle
714         *            handle of device.
715         * @param pidIdx
716         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
717         *            secondary loop.
718         * @return Error derivative value.
719         */
720        public static native double GetErrorDerivative(long handle, int pidIdx);
722        /**
723         * Selects which profile slot to use for closed-loop control.
724         *
725         * @param handle
726         *            handle of device.
727         * @param slotIdx
728         *            Profile slot to select.
729         * @param pidIdx
730         *            Which closed loop to manipulate. 0 for primary, 1 for auxiliary
731         *            secondary loop.
732         **/
733        public static native void SelectProfileSlot(long handle, int slotIdx, int pidIdx);
735        public static native int GetActiveTrajectoryPosition(long handle);
737        public static native int GetActiveTrajectoryVelocity(long handle);
739        public static native double GetActiveTrajectoryHeading(long handle);
741        public static native int GetActiveTrajectoryPosition3(long handle, int pidIdx);
742        public static native int GetActiveTrajectoryVelocity3(long handle, int pidIdx);
744        public static native double GetActiveTrajectoryArbFeedFwd3(long handle, int pidIdx);
746        /**
747         * Sets the Motion Magic Cruise Velocity.
748         *
749         * @param handle
750         *            handle of device.
751         * @param sensorUnitsPer100ms
752         *            Motion Magic Cruise Velocity (in Raw Sensor Units per 100 ms).
753         * @param timeoutMs
754         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
755         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
756         */
757        public static native int ConfigMotionCruiseVelocity(long handle, int sensorUnitsPer100ms, int timeoutMs);
759        /**
760         * Sets the Motion Magic Acceleration.
761         *
762         * @param handle
763         *            handle of device.
764         * @param sensorUnitsPer100msPerSec
765         *            Motion Magic Acceleration (in Raw Sensor Units per 100 ms per
766         *            second).
767         * @param timeoutMs
768         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
769         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
770         */
771        public static native int ConfigMotionAcceleration(long handle, int sensorUnitsPer100msPerSec, int timeoutMs);
773        public static native int ConfigMotionSCurveStrength(long m_handle, int curveStrength, int timeoutMs);
775        public static native int ClearMotionProfileTrajectories(long handle);
777        public static native int GetMotionProfileTopLevelBufferCount(long handle);
779        public static native int PushMotionProfileTrajectory(long handle, double position, double velocity,
780                        double headingDeg, int profileSlotSelect, boolean isLastPoint, boolean zeroPos);
782        public static native int PushMotionProfileTrajectory2(long handle, double position, double velocity, double headingDeg,
783                        int profileSlotSelect0, int profileSlotSelect1, boolean isLastPoint, boolean zeroPos, int durationMs);
785        public static native int PushMotionProfileTrajectory3(long handle, double position, double velocity, double arbFeedFwd, double auxiliaryPos, double auxiliaryVel, double auxiliaryArbFeedFwd, int profileSlotSelect0, int profileSlotSelect1, boolean isLastPoint, boolean zeroPos0, int timeDur, boolean useAuxPID);
787        public static native int StartMotionProfile(long handle, long streamHandle, int minBufferedPts, int controlMode);
789        public static native boolean IsMotionProfileTopLevelBufferFull(long handle);
791        public static native boolean IsMotionProfileFinished(long handle);
793        public static native int ProcessMotionProfileBuffer(long handle);
795        public static native int GetMotionProfileStatus(long handle, int[] toFill_9);
797        public static native int GetMotionProfileStatus2(long handle, int[] toFill_11);
799        public static native int ClearMotionProfileHasUnderrun(long handle, int timeoutMs);
801        public static native int ChangeMotionControlFramePeriod(long handle, int periodMs);
803        public static native int ConfigMotionProfileTrajectoryPeriod(long handle, int periodMs, int timeoutMs);
805        public static native int ConfigMotionProfileTrajectoryInterpolationEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
807    public static native int ConfigFeedbackNotContinuous(long handle, boolean feedbackNotContinuous, int timeoutMs);
809    public static native int ConfigRemoteSensorClosedLoopDisableNeutralOnLOS(long handle, boolean remoteSensorClosedLoopDisableNeutralOnLOS, int timeoutMs);
811    public static native int ConfigClearPositionOnLimitF(long handle, boolean clearPositionOnLimitF, int timeoutMs);
813    public static native int ConfigClearPositionOnLimitR(long handle, boolean clearPositionOnLimitR, int timeoutMs);
815    public static native int ConfigClearPositionOnQuadIdx(long handle, boolean clearPositionOnQuadIdx, int timeoutMs);
817    public static native int ConfigLimitSwitchDisableNeutralOnLOS(long handle, boolean limitSwitchDisableNeutralOnLOS, int timeoutMs);
819    public static native int ConfigSoftLimitDisableNeutralOnLOS(long handle, boolean softLimitDisableNeutralOnLOS, int timeoutMs);
821    public static native int ConfigPulseWidthPeriod_EdgesPerRot(long handle, int pulseWidthPeriod_EdgesPerRot, int timeoutMs);
823    public static native int ConfigPulseWidthPeriod_FilterWindowSz(long handle, int pulseWidthPeriod_FilterWindowSz, int timeoutMs);
825        /**
826         * Gets the last error generated by this object.
827         *
828         * @param handle
829         *            handle of device.
830         * @return Last Error Code generated by a function.
831         */
832        public static native int GetLastError(long handle);
834        /**
835         * Gets the firmware version of the device.
836         *
837         * @param handle
838         *            handle of device.
839         * @return Firmware version of device.
840         */
841        public static native int GetFirmwareVersion(long handle);
843        /**
844         * Returns true if the device has reset.
845         *
846         * @param handle
847         *            handle of device.
848         * @return Has a Device Reset Occurred?
849         */
850        public static native boolean HasResetOccurred(long handle);
852        /**
853         * Sets the value of a custom parameter.
854         *
855         * @param handle
856         *            handle of device.
857         * @param newValue
858         *            Value for custom parameter.
859         * @param paramIndex
860         *            Index of custom parameter.
861         * @param timeoutMs
862         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
863         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
864         */
865        public static native int ConfigSetCustomParam(long handle, int newValue, int paramIndex, int timeoutMs);
867        /**
868         * Gets the value of a custom parameter.
869         *
870         * @param handle
871         *            handle of device.
872         * @param paramIndex
873         *            Index of custom parameter.
874         * @param timoutMs
875         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
876         * @return Value of the custom param.
877         */
878        public static native int ConfigGetCustomParam(long handle, int paramIndex, int timoutMs);
880        /**
881         * Sets a parameter.
882         *
883         * @param handle
884         *            handle of device.
885         * @param param
886         *            Parameter enumeration.
887         * @param value
888         *            Value of parameter.
889         * @param subValue
890         *            Subvalue for parameter. Maximum value of 255.
891         * @param ordinal
892         *            Ordinal of parameter.
893         * @param timeoutMs
894         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
895         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
896         */
897        public static native int ConfigSetParameter(long handle, int param, double value, int subValue, int ordinal,
898                        int timeoutMs);
900        /**
901         * Gets a parameter.
902         *
903         * @param handle
904         *            handle of device.
905         * @param param
906         *            Parameter enumeration.
907         * @param ordinal
908         *            Ordinal of parameter.
909         * @param timeoutMs
910         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
911         * @return Value of parameter.
912         */
913        public static native double ConfigGetParameter(long handle, int param, int ordinal, int timeoutMs);
915        /**
916         * Configures the peak current limit of the motor controller.
917         *
918         * @param handle
919         *            handle of device.
920         * @param amps
921         *            Peak current limit (in amps).
922         * @param timeoutMs
923         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
924         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
925         */
926        public static native int ConfigPeakCurrentLimit(long handle, int amps, int timeoutMs);
928        /**
929         * Configures the maximum time allowed at peak current limit of the motor
930         * controller.
931         *
932         * @param handle
933         *            handle of device.
934         * @param milliseconds
935         *            Maximum time allowed at peak current limit (in milliseconds).
936         * @param timeoutMs
937         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
938         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
939         */
940        public static native int ConfigPeakCurrentDuration(long handle, int milliseconds, int timeoutMs);
942        /**
943         * Configures the continuous current limit.
944         *
945         * @param handle
946         *            handle of device.
947         * @param amps
948         *            Continuous Current Limit.
949         * @param timeoutMs
950         *            Timeout value in ms. @see #ConfigOpenLoopRamp
951         * @return Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.
952         */
953        public static native int ConfigContinuousCurrentLimit(long handle, int amps, int timeoutMs);
955        /**
956         * Enables the current limit feature.
957         *
958         * @param handle
959         *            handle of device.
960         * @param enable
961         *            Enable state of current limit.
962         **/
963        public static native int EnableCurrentLimit(long handle, boolean enable);
965        public static native int GetAnalogIn(long handle);
967        public static native int SetAnalogPosition(long handle, int newPosition, int timeoutMs);
969        public static native int GetAnalogInRaw(long handle);
971        public static native int GetAnalogInVel(long handle);
973        public static native int GetQuadraturePosition(long handle);
975        public static native int SetQuadraturePosition(long handle, int newPosition, int timeoutMs);
977        public static native int GetQuadratureVelocity(long handle);
979        public static native int GetPulseWidthPosition(long handle);
981        public static native int SetPulseWidthPosition(long handle, int newPosition, int timeoutMs);
983        public static native int GetPulseWidthVelocity(long handle);
985        public static native int GetPulseWidthRiseToFallUs(long handle);
987        public static native int GetPulseWidthRiseToRiseUs(long handle);
989        public static native int GetPinStateQuadA(long handle);
991        public static native int GetPinStateQuadB(long handle);
993        public static native int GetPinStateQuadIdx(long handle);
995        public static native int IsFwdLimitSwitchClosed(long handle);
997        public static native int IsRevLimitSwitchClosed(long handle);
999        public static native int GetFaults(long handle);
1001        public static native int GetStickyFaults(long handle);
1003        public static native int ClearStickyFaults(long handle, int timeoutMs);
1005        public static native int SelectDemandType(long handle, int enable);
1007        public static native int SetMPEOutput(long handle, int mpeOutput);
1009        public static native int EnableHeadingHold(long handle, int enable);
1011        public static native int GetClosedLoopTarget(long handle, int pidIdx);
1013        public static native int ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(long handle, double coefficient, int pidIdx, int timeoutMs);
1015        public static native int ConfigClosedLoopPeakOutput(long handle, int slotIdx, double percentOut, int timeoutMs);
1017        public static native int ConfigClosedLoopPeriod(long handle, int slotIdx, int loopTimeMs, int timeoutMs);
1019        public static native int ConfigMotorCommutation(long handle, int motorCommutation, int timeoutMs);
1021        public static native int ConfigGetMotorCommutation(long handle, int timeoutMs);
1023        public static native int ConfigSupplyCurrentLimit(long handle, double[] params, int timeoutMs);
1025        public static native int ConfigStatorCurrentLimit(long handle, double[] params, int timeoutMs);
1027        public static native int ConfigSupplyCurrentLimitEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
1029        public static native int ConfigStatorCurrentLimitEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
1031        public static native int ConfigBrakeCurrentLimitEnable(long handle, boolean enable, int timeoutMs);
1033        public static native int ConfigGetSupplyCurrentLimit(long handle, double[] toFill, int timeoutMs);
1035        public static native int ConfigGetStatorCurrentLimit(long handle, double[] toFill, int timeoutMs);
1037        public static native int SetIntegratedSensorPosition(long handle, double newPos, int timeoutMs);
1039        public static native int SetIntegratedSensorPositionToAbsolute(long handle, int timeoutMs);
1041        public static native double GetIntegratedSensorPosition(long handle);
1043        public static native double GetIntegratedSensorAbsolutePosition(long handle);
1045        public static native double GetIntegratedSensorVelocity(long handle);
1047    public static native int ConfigIntegratedSensorAbsoluteRange(long handle, int absoluteSensorRange, int timeoutMs);
1049    public static native int ConfigIntegratedSensorOffset(long handle, double offsetDegrees, int timeoutMs);
1051    public static native int ConfigIntegratedSensorInitializationStrategy(long handle, int initStrategy, int timeoutMs);