002 * WPI Compliant motor controller class.
003 * WPILIB's object model requires many interfaces to be implemented to use
004 * the various features.
005 * This includes...
006 * - Software PID loops running in the robot controller
007 * - LiveWindow/Test mode features
008 * - Motor Safety (auto-turn off of motor if Set stops getting called)
009 * - Single Parameter set that assumes a simple motor controller.
010 */
011package com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can;
013import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.ControlMode;
014import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.DemandType;
015import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.WPI_AutoFeedEnable;
016import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.WPI_MotorSafetyImplem;
017import com.ctre.phoenix.platform.DeviceType;
018import com.ctre.phoenix.platform.PlatformJNI;
019import com.ctre.phoenix.Logger;
020import com.ctre.phoenix.ErrorCode;
021import com.ctre.phoenix.WPI_CallbackHelper;
023import java.util.ArrayList;
025import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotController;
026import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.motorcontrol.MotorController;
027import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
028import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation;
029import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
030import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
031import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
032import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDevice.Direction;
033import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
034import edu.wpi.first.hal.HALValue;
035import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDevice;
036import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDouble;
037import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimBoolean;
038import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.CallbackStore;
039import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.SimDeviceSim;
040import edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation.SimDeviceDataJNI;
041import edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation.SimValueCallback;
042import edu.wpi.first.hal.simulation.SimulatorJNI;
043import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL.SimPeriodicBeforeCallback;
046 * CTRE Talon SRX Motor Controller when used on CAN Bus.
047 */
048public class WPI_TalonSRX extends TalonSRX implements MotorController, Sendable, AutoCloseable {
050        private String _description;
051        private double _speed;
053        private SimDevice m_simMotor;
054        private SimDouble m_simPercOut;
055        private SimDouble m_simMotorOutputLeadVoltage;
056        private SimDouble m_simSupplyCurrent;
057        private SimDouble m_simMotorCurrent;
058        private SimDouble m_simVbat;
060        private SimDevice m_simAnalogEnc;
061        private SimBoolean m_simAnalogInit;
062        private SimDouble m_simAnalogVoltage;
064        private SimDevice m_simPulseWidthEnc;
065        private SimBoolean m_simPulseWidthConnected;
066        private SimDouble m_simPulseWidthPos;
068        private SimDevice m_simQuadEnc;
069        private SimDouble m_simQuadPos;
070        private SimDouble m_simQuadRawPos;
071        private SimDouble m_simQuadVel;
073        private SimDevice m_simFwdLim;
074        private SimBoolean m_simFwdLimInit;
075        private SimBoolean m_simFwdLimInput;
076        private SimBoolean m_simFwdLimValue;
078        private SimDevice m_simRevLim;
079        private SimBoolean m_simRevLimInit;
080        private SimBoolean m_simRevLimInput;
081        private SimBoolean m_simRevLimValue;
083        // callbacks to register
084        private SimValueCallback onValueChangedCallback = new OnValueChangedCallback();
085        private Runnable onPeriodicCallback = new OnPeriodicCallback();
087        // returned registered callbacks
088        private ArrayList<CallbackStore> simValueChangedCallbacks = new ArrayList<CallbackStore>();
089        private SimPeriodicBeforeCallback simPeriodicCallback;
091        /**
092         * The default motor safety timeout IF calling application
093         * enables the feature.
094         */
095        public static final double kDefaultSafetyExpiration = 0.1;
097        /**
098         * Late-constructed motor safety, which ensures feature is off unless calling
099         * applications explicitly enables it.
100         */
101        private WPI_MotorSafetyImplem _motorSafety = null;
102        private final Object _lockMotorSaf = new Object();
103        private double _motSafeExpiration = kDefaultSafetyExpiration;
105        /**
106         * Constructor for motor controller
107         * @param deviceNumber device ID of motor controller
108         */
109        public WPI_TalonSRX(int deviceNumber) {
110                super(deviceNumber);
111                _description = "Talon SRX " + deviceNumber;
113                SendableRegistry.addLW(this, "Talon SRX ", deviceNumber);
115                m_simMotor = SimDevice.create("CANMotor:Talon SRX", deviceNumber);
116                if(m_simMotor != null){
117                        WPI_AutoFeedEnable.getInstance();
118                        simPeriodicCallback = HAL.registerSimPeriodicBeforeCallback(onPeriodicCallback);
120                        m_simPercOut = m_simMotor.createDouble("percentOutput", Direction.kOutput, 0);
121                        m_simMotorOutputLeadVoltage = m_simMotor.createDouble("motorOutputLeadVoltage", Direction.kOutput, 0);
123                        m_simSupplyCurrent = m_simMotor.createDouble("supplyCurrent", Direction.kInput, 0);
124                        m_simMotorCurrent = m_simMotor.createDouble("motorCurrent", Direction.kInput, 0);
125                        m_simVbat = m_simMotor.createDouble("busVoltage", Direction.kInput, 12.0);
127                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANMotor:Talon SRX");
128                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simSupplyCurrent, onValueChangedCallback, true));
129                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simMotorCurrent, onValueChangedCallback, true));
130                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simVbat, onValueChangedCallback, true));
131                }
133                String base = "Talon SRX[" + deviceNumber + "]/";
134                m_simAnalogEnc = SimDevice.create("CANAIn:" + base + "Analog In");
135                if(m_simAnalogEnc != null){
136                        m_simAnalogInit = m_simAnalogEnc.createBoolean("init", Direction.kOutput, true);
138                        m_simAnalogVoltage = m_simAnalogEnc.createDouble("voltage", Direction.kInput, 0);
140                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANAIn:" + base + "Analog In");
141                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simAnalogVoltage, onValueChangedCallback, true));
142                }
144                m_simPulseWidthEnc = SimDevice.create("CANDutyCycle:" + base + "Pulse Width Input");
145                if(m_simPulseWidthEnc != null){
146                        m_simPulseWidthConnected = m_simPulseWidthEnc.createBoolean("connected", Direction.kInput, true);
147                        m_simPulseWidthPos = m_simPulseWidthEnc.createDouble("position", Direction.kInput, 0);
149                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANDutyCycle:" + base + "Pulse Width Input");
150                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simPulseWidthConnected, onValueChangedCallback, true));
151                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simPulseWidthPos, onValueChangedCallback, true));
152                }
154                m_simQuadEnc = SimDevice.create("CANEncoder:" + base + "Quad Encoder");
155                if(m_simQuadEnc != null){
156                        m_simQuadPos = m_simQuadEnc.createDouble("position", Direction.kOutput, 0);
158                        m_simQuadRawPos = m_simQuadEnc.createDouble("rawPositionInput", Direction.kInput, 0);
159                        m_simQuadVel = m_simQuadEnc.createDouble("velocity", Direction.kInput, 0);
161                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANEncoder:" + base + "Quad Encoder");
162                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simQuadRawPos, onValueChangedCallback, true));
163                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simQuadVel, onValueChangedCallback, true));
164                }
166                m_simFwdLim = SimDevice.create("CANDIO:" + base + "Fwd Limit");
167                if(m_simFwdLim != null){
168                        m_simFwdLimInit = m_simFwdLim.createBoolean("init", Direction.kOutput, true);
169                        m_simFwdLimInput = m_simFwdLim.createBoolean("input", Direction.kOutput, true);
171                        m_simFwdLimValue = m_simFwdLim.createBoolean("value", Direction.kBidir, false);
173                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANDIO:" + base + "Fwd Limit");
174                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simFwdLimValue, onValueChangedCallback, true));
175                }
177                m_simRevLim = SimDevice.create("CANDIO:" + base + "Rev Limit");
178                if(m_simRevLim != null){
179                        m_simRevLimInit = m_simRevLim.createBoolean("init", Direction.kOutput, true);
180                        m_simRevLimInput = m_simRevLim.createBoolean("input", Direction.kOutput, true);
182                        m_simRevLimValue = m_simRevLim.createBoolean("value", Direction.kBidir, false);
184                        SimDeviceSim sim = new SimDeviceSim("CANDIO:" + base + "Rev Limit");
185                        simValueChangedCallbacks.add(sim.registerValueChangedCallback(m_simRevLimValue, onValueChangedCallback, true));
186                }
187        }
189    // ----- Auto-Closable ----- //
190    @Override 
191    public void close(){
192        SendableRegistry.remove(this);
193        if(m_simMotor != null) { 
194            m_simMotor.close();
195            m_simMotor = null;
196        }
197        if(m_simAnalogEnc != null) { 
198            m_simAnalogEnc.close();
199            m_simAnalogEnc = null;
200        }
201        if(m_simPulseWidthEnc != null) { 
202            m_simPulseWidthEnc.close();
203            m_simPulseWidthEnc = null;
204        }
205        if(m_simQuadEnc != null) { 
206            m_simQuadEnc.close();
207            m_simQuadEnc = null;
208        }
209        if(m_simFwdLim != null) { 
210            m_simFwdLim.close();
211            m_simFwdLim = null;
212        }
213        if(m_simRevLim != null) { 
214            m_simRevLim.close();
215            m_simRevLim = null;
216        }
217        super.DestroyObject(); //Destroy the device
218    }
220        // ----- Callbacks for Sim ----- //
221        private class OnValueChangedCallback implements SimValueCallback {
222                @Override
223                public void callback(String name, int handle, int direction, HALValue value) {
224                        String deviceName = SimDeviceDataJNI.getSimDeviceName(SimDeviceDataJNI.getSimValueDeviceHandle(handle));
225                        String physType = deviceName + ":" + name;
226                        PlatformJNI.JNI_SimSetPhysicsInput(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, getDeviceID(),
227                                                                               physType, WPI_CallbackHelper.getRawValue(value));
228                }
229        }
231        private class OnPeriodicCallback implements Runnable {
232                @Override
233                public void run() {
234                        double value = 0;
235                        int err = 0;
237                        int deviceID = getDeviceID();
239                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "PercentOutput");
240                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
241                        if (err == 0) {
242                                m_simPercOut.set(value);
243                        }
244                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "MotorOutputLeadVoltage");
245                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
246                        if (err == 0) {
247                                m_simMotorOutputLeadVoltage.set(value);
248                        }
249                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "BusVoltage");
250                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
251                        if (err == 0) {
252                                m_simVbat.set(value);
253                        }
254                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "CurrentSupply");
255                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
256                        if (err == 0) {
257                                m_simSupplyCurrent.set(value);
258                        }
259                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "CurrentStator");
260                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
261                        if (err == 0) {
262                                m_simMotorCurrent.set(value);
263                        }
264                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "AnalogPos");
265                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
266                        if (err == 0) {
267                                m_simAnalogVoltage.set(value * 3.3 / 1023);
268                        }
269                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "PulseWidthConnecteed");
270                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
271                        if (err == 0) {
272                                m_simPulseWidthConnected.set(value != 0);
273                        }
274                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "PulseWidthPos");
275                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
276                        if (err == 0) {
277                                m_simPulseWidthPos.set(value);
278                        }
279                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "QuadEncPos");
280                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
281                        if (err == 0) {
282                                m_simQuadPos.set(value);
283                        }
284                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "QuadEncRawPos");
285                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
286                        if (err == 0) {
287                                m_simQuadRawPos.set(value);
288                        }
289                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "QuadEncVel");
290                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
291                        if (err == 0) {
292                                m_simQuadVel.set(value);
293                        }
294                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "LimitFwd");
295                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
296                        if (err == 0) {
297                                m_simFwdLimValue.set((int)value != 0);
298                        }
299                        value = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetPhysicsValue(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID, "LimitRev");
300                        err = PlatformJNI.JNI_SimGetLastError(DeviceType.TalonSRX.value, deviceID);
301                        if (err == 0) {
302                                m_simRevLimValue.set((int)value != 0);
303                        }
304                }
305        }
307        // ------ set/get routines for WPILIB interfaces ------//
308        /**
309         * Common interface for setting the speed of a simple speed controller.
310         *
311         * @param speed The speed to set.  Value should be between -1.0 and 1.0.
312         *                                                                      Value is also saved for Get().
313         */
314        @Override
315        public void set(double speed) {
316                _speed = speed;
317                set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, _speed);
318                feed();
319        }
321        /**
322         * Common interface for getting the current set speed of a speed controller.
323         *
324         * @return The current set speed. Value is between -1.0 and 1.0.
325         */
326        @Override
327        public double get() {
328                return _speed;
329        }
331        // ---------Intercept CTRE calls for motor safety ---------//
332        /**
333         * Sets the appropriate output on the talon, depending on the mode.
334         * @param mode The output mode to apply.
335         * In PercentOutput, the output is between -1.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 as stopped.
336         * In Current mode, output value is in amperes.
337         * In Velocity mode, output value is in position change / 100ms.
338         * In Position mode, output value is in encoder ticks or an analog value,
339         *   depending on the sensor.
340         * In Follower mode, the output value is the integer device ID of the talon to
341         * duplicate.
342         *
343         * @param value The setpoint value, as described above.
344         *
345         *
346         *      Standard Driving Example:
347         *      _talonLeft.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, leftJoy);
348         *      _talonRght.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, rghtJoy);
349         */
350        public void set(ControlMode mode, double value) {
351                /* intercept the advanced Set and feed motor-safety */
352                super.set(mode, value);
353                feed();
354        }
356        /**
357         * @param mode Sets the appropriate output on the talon, depending on the mode.
358         * @param demand0 The output value to apply.
359         *      such as advanced feed forward and/or auxiliary close-looping in firmware.
360         * In PercentOutput, the output is between -1.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 as stopped.
361         * In Current mode, output value is in amperes.
362         * In Velocity mode, output value is in position change / 100ms.
363         * In Position mode, output value is in encoder ticks or an analog value,
364         *   depending on the sensor. See
365         * In Follower mode, the output value is the integer device ID of the talon to
366         * duplicate.
367         *
368         * @param demand1Type The demand type for demand1.
369         * Neutral: Ignore demand1 and apply no change to the demand0 output.
370         * AuxPID: Use demand1 to set the target for the auxiliary PID 1.
371         * ArbitraryFeedForward: Use demand1 as an arbitrary additive value to the
372         *       demand0 output.  In PercentOutput the demand0 output is the motor output,
373         *   and in closed-loop modes the demand0 output is the output of PID0.
374         * @param demand1 Supplmental output value.  Units match the set mode.
375         *
376         *
377         *  Arcade Drive Example:
378         *              _talonLeft.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, joyForward, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, +joyTurn);
379         *              _talonRght.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, joyForward, DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, -joyTurn);
380         *
381         *      Drive Straight Example:
382         *      Note: Selected Sensor Configuration is necessary for both PID0 and PID1.
383         *              _talonLeft.follow(_talonRght, FollwerType.AuxOutput1);
384         *              _talonRght.set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, joyForward, DemandType.AuxPID, desiredRobotHeading);
385         *
386         *      Drive Straight to a Distance Example:
387         *      Note: Other configurations (sensor selection, PID gains, etc.) need to be set.
388         *              _talonLeft.follow(_talonRght, FollwerType.AuxOutput1);
389         *              _talonRght.set(ControlMode.MotionMagic, targetDistance, DemandType.AuxPID, desiredRobotHeading);
390         */
391        public void set(ControlMode mode, double demand0, DemandType demand1Type, double demand1){
392                /* intercept the advanced Set and feed motor-safety */
393                super.set(mode, demand0, demand1Type, demand1);
394                feed();
395        }
397        /**
398         * Sets the voltage output of the SpeedController.  Compensates for the current bus
399         * voltage to ensure that the desired voltage is output even if the battery voltage is below
400         * 12V - highly useful when the voltage outputs are "meaningful" (e.g. they come from a
401         * feedforward calculation).
402         *
403         * <p>NOTE: This function *must* be called regularly in order for voltage compensation to work
404         * properly - unlike the ordinary set function, it is not "set it and forget it."
405         *
406         * @param outputVolts The voltage to output.
407         */
408        @Override
409        public void setVoltage(double outputVolts) {
410                if(super.isVoltageCompensationEnabled())
411                {
412                        com.ctre.phoenix.Logger.log(ErrorCode.DoubleVoltageCompensatingWPI, _description + ": setVoltage ");
413                }
414                set(outputVolts / RobotController.getBatteryVoltage());
415        }
417        // ----------------------- Invert routines -------------------//
418        /**
419         * Common interface for inverting direction of a speed controller.
420         *
421         * @param isInverted The state of inversion, true is inverted.
422         */
423        @Override
424        public void setInverted(boolean isInverted) {
425                super.setInverted(isInverted);
426        }
428        /**
429         * Common interface for returning the inversion state of a speed controller.
430         *
431         * @return The state of inversion, true is inverted.
432         */
433        @Override
434        public boolean getInverted() {
435                return super.getInverted();
436        }
438        // ----------------------- turn-motor-off routines-------------------//
439        /**
440         * Common interface for disabling a motor.
441         */
442        @Override
443        public void disable() {
444                neutralOutput();
445        }
447        /**
448         * Common interface to stop the motor until Set is called again.
449         */
450        @Override
451        public void stopMotor() {
452                neutralOutput();
453        }
455        // ---- Sendable -------//
457        /**
458         * Initialize sendable
459         * @param builder Base sendable to build on
460         */
461        @Override
462        public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
463                builder.setSmartDashboardType("Motor Controller");
464                builder.setActuator(true);
465                builder.setSafeState(this::stopMotor);
466                builder.addDoubleProperty("Value", this::get, this::set);
467        }
469        /**
470         * @return description of controller
471         */
472        public String getDescription() {
473                return _description;
474        }
476        /* ----- Motor Safety ----- */
477        /** caller must lock appropriately */
478        private WPI_MotorSafetyImplem GetMotorSafety() {
479                if (_motorSafety == null) {
480                        /* newly created MS object */
481                        _motorSafety = new WPI_MotorSafetyImplem(this, getDescription());
482                        /* apply the expiration timeout */
483                        _motorSafety.setExpiration(_motSafeExpiration);
484                }
485                return _motorSafety;
486        }
487        /**
488         * Feed the motor safety object.
489         *
490         * <p>Resets the timer on this object that is used to do the timeouts.
491         */
492        public void feed() {
493                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
494                        if (_motorSafety == null) {
495                                /* do nothing, MS features were never enabled */
496                        } else {
497                                GetMotorSafety().feed();
498                        }
499                }
500        }
502        /**
503         * Set the expiration time for the corresponding motor safety object.
504         *
505         * @param expirationTime The timeout value in seconds.
506         */
507        public void setExpiration(double expirationTime) {
508                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
509                        /* save the value for if/when we do create the MS object */
510                        _motSafeExpiration = expirationTime;
511                        /* apply it only if MS object exists */
512                        if (_motorSafety == null) {
513                                /* do nothing, MS features were never enabled */
514                        } else {
515                                /* this call will trigger creating a registered MS object */
516                                GetMotorSafety().setExpiration(_motSafeExpiration);
517                        }
518                }
519        }
521        /**
522         * Retrieve the timeout value for the corresponding motor safety object.
523         *
524         * @return the timeout value in seconds.
525         */
526        public double getExpiration() {
527                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
528                        /* return the intended expiration time */
529                        return _motSafeExpiration;
530                }
531        }
533        /**
534         * Determine of the motor is still operating or has timed out.
535         *
536         * @return a true value if the motor is still operating normally and hasn't timed out.
537         */
538        public boolean isAlive() {
539                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
540                        if (_motorSafety == null) {
541                                /* MC is alive - MS features were never enabled to neutral the MC. */
542                                return true;
543                        } else {
544                                return GetMotorSafety().isAlive();
545                        }
546                }
547        }
549        /**
550         * Enable/disable motor safety for this device.
551         *
552         * <p>Turn on and off the motor safety option for this PWM object.
553         *
554         * @param enabled True if motor safety is enforced for this object
555         */
556        public void setSafetyEnabled(boolean enabled) {
557                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
558                        if (_motorSafety == null && !enabled) {
559                                /* Caller wants to disable MS,
560                                        but MS features were nevere enabled, 
561                                        so it doesn't need to be disabled. */
562                        } else {
563                                /* MS will be created if it does not exist */
564                                GetMotorSafety().setSafetyEnabled(enabled);
565                        }
566                }
567        }
569        /**
570         * Return the state of the motor safety enabled flag.
571         *
572         * <p>Return if the motor safety is currently enabled for this device.
573         *
574         * @return True if motor safety is enforced for this device
575         */
576        public boolean isSafetyEnabled() {
577                synchronized (_lockMotorSaf) {
578                        if (_motorSafety == null) {
579                                /* MS features were never enabled. */
580                                return false;
581                        } else {
582                                return GetMotorSafety().isSafetyEnabled();
583                        }
584                }
585        }
587        private void timeoutFunc() {
588                DriverStation ds = DriverStation.getInstance();
589                if (ds.isDisabled() || ds.isTest()) {
590                return;
591                }
593                DriverStation.reportError(getDescription() + "... Output not updated often enough.", false);
595                stopMotor();
596        }