002 * Copyright (c) 2018-2022 REV Robotics
003 *
004 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
005 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
006 *
007 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
008 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
009 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
010 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
011 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
012 * 3. Neither the name of REV Robotics nor the names of its
013 *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
014 *    this software without specific prior written permission.
015 *
027 */
029package com.revrobotics;
031import com.revrobotics.jni.CANSparkMaxJNI;
033public class CANSparkMax extends CANSparkMaxLowLevel {
034  public enum IdleMode {
035    kCoast(0),
036    kBrake(1);
038    @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
039    public final int value;
041    IdleMode(int value) {
042      this.value = value;
043    }
045    public static IdleMode fromId(int id) {
046      if (id == 1) {
047        return kBrake;
048      }
049      return kCoast;
050    }
051  }
053  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
054  public enum InputMode {
055    kPWM(0),
056    kCAN(1);
058    @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
059    public final int value;
061    InputMode(int value) {
062      this.value = value;
063    }
065    public static InputMode fromId(int id) {
066      if (id == 1) {
067        return kCAN;
068      }
069      return kPWM;
070    }
071  }
073  public enum SoftLimitDirection {
074    kForward(0),
075    kReverse(1);
077    @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
078    public final int value;
080    SoftLimitDirection(int value) {
081      this.value = value;
082    }
084    public static SoftLimitDirection fromID(int id) {
085      if (id == 1) {
086        return kReverse;
087      }
088      return kForward;
089    }
090  }
092  public enum FaultID {
093    kBrownout(0),
094    kOvercurrent(1),
095    kIWDTReset(2),
096    kMotorFault(3),
097    kSensorFault(4),
098    kStall(5),
099    kEEPROMCRC(6),
100    kCANTX(7),
101    kCANRX(8),
102    kHasReset(9),
103    kDRVFault(10),
104    kOtherFault(11),
105    kSoftLimitFwd(12),
106    kSoftLimitRev(13),
107    kHardLimitFwd(14),
108    kHardLimitRev(15);
110    @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
111    public final int value;
113    FaultID(int value) {
114      this.value = value;
115    }
117    public static FaultID fromId(int id) {
118      for (FaultID type : values()) {
119        if (type.value == id) {
120          return type;
121        }
122      }
123      return null;
124    }
125  }
127  public enum ControlType {
128    kDutyCycle(0),
129    kVelocity(1),
130    kVoltage(2),
131    kPosition(3),
132    kSmartMotion(4),
133    kCurrent(5),
134    kSmartVelocity(6);
136    @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
137    public final int value;
139    ControlType(int value) {
140      this.value = value;
141    }
142  }
144  public static class ExternalFollower {
145    private final int arbId;
146    private final int configId;
148    public static final ExternalFollower kFollowerDisabled = new ExternalFollower(0, 0);
149    public static final ExternalFollower kFollowerSparkMax = new ExternalFollower(0x2051800, 26);
150    public static final ExternalFollower kFollowerPhoenix = new ExternalFollower(0x2040080, 27);
152    public ExternalFollower(int arbId, int configId) {
153      this.arbId = arbId;
154      this.configId = configId;
155    }
156  }
158  private SparkMaxRelativeEncoder encoder;
159  private final Object encoderLock = new Object();
161  private SparkMaxAlternateEncoder altEncoder;
162  private final Object altEncoderLock = new Object();
164  private SparkMaxAnalogSensor analogSensor;
165  private final Object analogSensorLock = new Object();
167  private SparkMaxPIDController pidController;
168  private final Object pidControllerLock = new Object();
170  private SparkMaxLimitSwitch forwardLimitSwitch;
171  private final Object forwardLimitSwitchLock = new Object();
173  private SparkMaxLimitSwitch reverseLimitSwitch;
174  private final Object reverseLimitSwitchLock = new Object();
176  // Only used for get() and set() API
177  private double m_setpoint = 0.0;
179  /**
180   * Create a new object to control a SPARK MAX motor Controller
181   *
182   * @param deviceId The device ID.
183   * @param type The motor type connected to the controller. Brushless motor wires must be connected
184   *     to their matching colors and the hall sensor must be plugged in. Brushed motors must be
185   *     connected to the Red and Black terminals only.
186   */
187  public CANSparkMax(int deviceId, MotorType type) {
188    super(deviceId, type);
189  }
191  /** ** Speed Controller Interface *** */
192  /**
193   * Common interface for setting the speed of a speed controller.
194   *
195   * @param speed The speed to set. Value should be between -1.0 and 1.0.
196   */
197  @Override
198  public void set(double speed) {
199    throwIfClosed();
200    // Only for 'get' API
201    m_setpoint = speed;
202    setpointCommand(speed, ControlType.kDutyCycle);
203  }
205  /**
206   * Sets the voltage output of the SpeedController. This is equivillant to a call to
207   * SetReference(output, rev::ControlType::kVoltage). The behavior of this call differs slightly
208   * from the WPILib documetation for this call since the device internally sets the desired voltage
209   * (not a compensation value). That means that this *can* be a 'set-and-forget' call.
210   *
211   * @param outputVolts The voltage to output.
212   */
213  @Override
214  public void setVoltage(double outputVolts) {
215    throwIfClosed();
216    setpointCommand(outputVolts, ControlType.kVoltage);
217  }
219  /**
220   * Common interface for getting the current set speed of a speed controller.
221   *
222   * @return The current set speed. Value is between -1.0 and 1.0.
223   */
224  @Override
225  public double get() {
226    throwIfClosed();
227    return m_setpoint;
228  }
230  /**
231   * Common interface for inverting direction of a speed controller.
232   *
233   * <p>This call has no effect if the controller is a follower. To invert a follower, see the
234   * follow() method.
235   *
236   * @param isInverted The state of inversion, true is inverted.
237   */
238  @Override
239  public void setInverted(boolean isInverted) {
240    throwIfClosed();
241    CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetInverted(sparkMaxHandle, isInverted);
242  }
244  /**
245   * Common interface for returning the inversion state of a speed controller.
246   *
247   * <p>This call has no effect if the controller is a follower.
248   *
249   * @return isInverted The state of inversion, true is inverted.
250   */
251  @Override
252  public boolean getInverted() {
253    throwIfClosed();
254    return CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetInverted(sparkMaxHandle);
255  }
257  /** Common interface for disabling a motor. */
258  @Override
259  public void disable() {
260    throwIfClosed();
261    set(0);
262  }
264  @Override
265  public void stopMotor() {
266    throwIfClosed();
267    set(0);
268  }
270  /** ***** Extended Functions ****** */
271  /**
272   * Returns an object for interfacing with the hall sensor integrated into a brushless motor, which
273   * is connected to the front port of the SPARK MAX.
274   *
275   * <p>To access a quadrature encoder connected to the encoder pins or the front port of the SPARK
276   * MAX, you must call the version of this method with EncoderType and countsPerRev parameters.
277   *
278   * @return An object for interfacing with the integrated encoder.
279   */
280  public RelativeEncoder getEncoder() {
281    throwIfClosed();
282    return getEncoder(SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.kHallSensor, 42);
283  }
285  /**
286   * Returns an object for interfacing with the encoder connected to the encoder pins or front port
287   * of the SPARK MAX.
288   *
289   * @param encoderType The encoder type for the motor: kHallEffect or kQuadrature
290   * @param countsPerRev The counts per revolution of the encoder
291   * @return An object for interfacing with an encoder
292   */
293  public RelativeEncoder getEncoder(SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type encoderType, int countsPerRev) {
294    throwIfClosed();
295    synchronized (encoderLock) {
296      if (encoder == null) {
297        encoder = new SparkMaxRelativeEncoder(this, encoderType, countsPerRev);
298      } else {
299        if (encoder.type != encoderType) {
300          throw new IllegalStateException(
301              "The main encoder on this SPARK MAX has already been initialized as a "
302                  + encoder.type);
303        }
304        // Counts per revolution is ignored for the hall sensor encoder type
305        if (encoder.type != SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.kHallSensor
306            && encoder.getCountsPerRevolution() != countsPerRev) {
307          throw new IllegalStateException(
308              "The main encoder on this SPARK MAX has already been initialized with countsPerRev set to "
309                  + encoder.countsPerRev);
310        }
311        // The user isn't trying to change their encoder settings mid-program, so we're all set
312      }
313      return encoder;
314    }
315  }
317  /**
318   * Returns an object for interfacing with the encoder connected to the encoder pins or front port
319   * of the SPARK MAX.
320   *
321   * @param encoderType The encoder type for the motor: kHallEffect or kQuadrature
322   * @param countsPerRev The counts per revolution of the encoder
323   * @return An object for interfacing with an encoder
324   * @deprecated Use {@link #getEncoder(SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type, int)} instead.
325   */
326  @SuppressWarnings("removal")
327  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
328  public RelativeEncoder getEncoder(com.revrobotics.EncoderType encoderType, int countsPerRev) {
329    SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type adaptedType = SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.kNoSensor;
330    if (encoderType == com.revrobotics.EncoderType.kHallSensor) {
331      adaptedType = SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.kHallSensor;
332    } else if (encoderType == com.revrobotics.EncoderType.kQuadrature) {
333      adaptedType = SparkMaxRelativeEncoder.Type.kQuadrature;
334    }
335    return getEncoder(adaptedType, countsPerRev);
336  }
338  /**
339   * Returns an object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
340   * mode data port pins. These are defined as:
341   *
342   * <ul>
343   *   <li>Pin 4 (Forward Limit Switch): Index
344   *   <li>Pin 6 (Multi-function): Encoder A
345   *   <li>Pin 8 (Reverse Limit Switch): Encoder B
346   * </ul>
347   *
348   * <p>This call will disable support for the limit switch inputs.
349   *
350   * @param countsPerRev The counts per revolution of the encoder
351   * @return An object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
352   *     mode data port pins
353   */
354  public RelativeEncoder getAlternateEncoder(int countsPerRev) {
355    throwIfClosed();
356    return getAlternateEncoder(SparkMaxAlternateEncoder.Type.kQuadrature, countsPerRev);
357  }
359  /**
360   * Returns an object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
361   * mode data port pins. These are defined as:
362   *
363   * <ul>
364   *   <li>Pin 4 (Forward Limit Switch): Index
365   *   <li>Pin 6 (Multi-function): Encoder A
366   *   <li>Pin 8 (Reverse Limit Switch): Encoder B
367   * </ul>
368   *
369   * <p>This call will disable support for the limit switch inputs.
370   *
371   * @param encoderType The encoder type for the motor: currently only kQuadrature
372   * @param countsPerRev The counts per revolution of the encoder
373   * @return An object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
374   *     mode data port pins
375   */
376  public RelativeEncoder getAlternateEncoder(
377      SparkMaxAlternateEncoder.Type encoderType, int countsPerRev) {
378    throwIfClosed();
379    synchronized (altEncoderLock) {
380      if (altEncoder == null) {
381        altEncoder = new SparkMaxAlternateEncoder(this, encoderType, countsPerRev);
382      } else {
383        if (altEncoder.type != encoderType) {
384          throw new IllegalStateException(
385              "The alternate encoder on this SPARK MAX has already been initialized as a "
386                  + altEncoder.type);
387        }
388        if (altEncoder.countsPerRev != countsPerRev) {
389          throw new IllegalStateException(
390              "The alternate encoder on this SPARK MAX has already been initialized with countsPerRev set to "
391                  + altEncoder.countsPerRev);
392        }
393        // The user isn't trying to change their alternate encoder settings mid-program,
394        // so we're all set
395      }
396      return altEncoder;
397    }
398  }
400  /**
401   * Returns an object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
402   * mode data port pins. These are defined as:
403   *
404   * <ul>
405   *   <li>Pin 4 (Forward Limit Switch): Index
406   *   <li>Pin 6 (Multi-function): Encoder A
407   *   <li>Pin 8 (Reverse Limit Switch): Encoder B
408   * </ul>
409   *
410   * <p>This call will disable support for the limit switch inputs.
411   *
412   * @param encoderType The encoder type for the motor: currently only kQuadrature
413   * @param countsPerRev The counts per revolution of the encoder
414   * @return An object for interfacing with a quadrature encoder connected to the alternate encoder
415   *     mode data port pins
416   */
417  @SuppressWarnings("removal")
418  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
419  public RelativeEncoder getAlternateEncoder(
420      com.revrobotics.AlternateEncoderType encoderType, int countsPerRev) {
421    return getAlternateEncoder(SparkMaxAlternateEncoder.Type.kQuadrature, countsPerRev);
422  }
424  /**
425   * @param mode The mode of the analog sensor, either absolute or relative
426   * @return An object for interfacing with a connected analog sensor.
427   */
428  public SparkMaxAnalogSensor getAnalog(SparkMaxAnalogSensor.Mode mode) {
429    throwIfClosed();
430    synchronized (analogSensorLock) {
431      if (analogSensor == null) {
432        analogSensor = new SparkMaxAnalogSensor(this, mode);
433      } else {
434        if (analogSensor.mode != mode) {
435          throw new IllegalStateException(
436              "The analog sensor connected to this SPARK MAX has already been configured with mode "
437                  + analogSensor.mode);
438        }
439        // The user isn't trying to change their analog sensor settings mid-program,
440        // so we're all set
441      }
442      return analogSensor;
443    }
444  }
446  /** @deprecated Use {@link #getAnalog(SparkMaxAnalogSensor.Mode)} instead */
447  @SuppressWarnings("removal")
448  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
449  public SparkMaxAnalogSensor getAnalog(CANAnalog.AnalogMode mode) {
450    SparkMaxAnalogSensor.Mode newMode;
451    if (mode == CANAnalog.AnalogMode.kRelative) {
452      newMode = SparkMaxAnalogSensor.Mode.kRelative;
453    } else {
454      newMode = SparkMaxAnalogSensor.Mode.kAbsolute;
455    }
456    return getAnalog(newMode);
457  }
459  /** @return An object for interfacing with the integrated PID controller. */
460  public SparkMaxPIDController getPIDController() {
461    throwIfClosed();
462    synchronized (pidControllerLock) {
463      if (pidController == null) {
464        pidController = new SparkMaxPIDController(this);
465      }
466      return pidController;
467    }
468  }
470  /**
471   * Returns an object for interfacing with the forward limit switch connected to the appropriate
472   * pins on the data port.
473   *
474   * <p>This call will disable support for the alternate encoder.
475   *
476   * @param polarity Whether the limit switch is normally open or normally closed.
477   * @return An object for interfacing with the forward limit switch.
478   * @deprecated Use {@link #getForwardLimitSwitch(SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type)} instead.
479   */
480  @SuppressWarnings("removal")
481  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
482  public CANDigitalInput getForwardLimitSwitch(CANDigitalInput.LimitSwitchPolarity polarity) {
483    SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type newType;
484    if (polarity == CANDigitalInput.LimitSwitchPolarity.kNormallyClosed) {
485      newType = SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type.kNormallyClosed;
486    } else {
487      newType = SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type.kNormallyOpen;
488    }
490    return getForwardLimitSwitch(newType);
491  }
493  /**
494   * Returns an object for interfacing with the forward limit switch connected to the appropriate
495   * pins on the data port.
496   *
497   * <p>This call will disable support for the alternate encoder.
498   *
499   * @param switchType Whether the limit switch is normally open or normally closed.
500   * @return An object for interfacing with the forward limit switch.
501   */
502  public SparkMaxLimitSwitch getForwardLimitSwitch(SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type switchType) {
503    throwIfClosed();
504    synchronized (forwardLimitSwitchLock) {
505      if (forwardLimitSwitch == null) {
506        forwardLimitSwitch =
507            new SparkMaxLimitSwitch(this, SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Direction.kForward, switchType);
508      } else {
509        if (forwardLimitSwitch.m_switchType != switchType) {
510          throw new IllegalStateException(
511              "The forward limit switch on this SPARK MAX has already been configured with the"
512                  + forwardLimitSwitch.m_switchType
513                  + " switch type");
514        }
515      }
516      return forwardLimitSwitch;
517    }
518  }
520  /**
521   * Returns an object for interfacing with the reverse limit switch connected to the appropriate
522   * pins on the data port.
523   *
524   * <p>This call will disable support for the alternate encoder.
525   *
526   * @param polarity Whether the limit switch is normally open or normally closed.
527   * @return An object for interfacing with the reverse limit switch.
528   * @deprecated Use {@link #getReverseLimitSwitch(SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type)} instead.
529   */
530  @SuppressWarnings("removal")
531  @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
532  public CANDigitalInput getReverseLimitSwitch(CANDigitalInput.LimitSwitchPolarity polarity) {
533    SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type newType;
534    if (polarity == CANDigitalInput.LimitSwitchPolarity.kNormallyClosed) {
535      newType = SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type.kNormallyClosed;
536    } else {
537      newType = SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type.kNormallyOpen;
538    }
540    return getReverseLimitSwitch(newType);
541  }
543  /**
544   * Returns an object for interfacing with the reverse limit switch connected to the appropriate
545   * pins on the data port.
546   *
547   * <p>This call will disable support for the alternate encoder.
548   *
549   * @param switchType Whether the limit switch is normally open or normally closed.
550   * @return An object for interfacing with the reverse limit switch.
551   */
552  public SparkMaxLimitSwitch getReverseLimitSwitch(SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Type switchType) {
553    throwIfClosed();
554    synchronized (reverseLimitSwitchLock) {
555      if (reverseLimitSwitch == null) {
556        reverseLimitSwitch =
557            new SparkMaxLimitSwitch(this, SparkMaxLimitSwitch.Direction.kReverse, switchType);
558      } else {
559        if (reverseLimitSwitch.m_switchType != switchType) {
560          throw new IllegalStateException(
561              "The reverse limit switch on this SPARK MAX has already been configured with the "
562                  + reverseLimitSwitch.m_switchType
563                  + " switch type");
564        }
565      }
566      return reverseLimitSwitch;
567    }
568  }
570  /**
571   * Sets the current limit in Amps.
572   *
573   * <p>The motor controller will reduce the controller voltage output to avoid surpassing this
574   * limit. This limit is enabled by default and used for brushless only. This limit is highly
575   * recommended when using the NEO brushless motor.
576   *
577   * <p>The NEO Brushless Motor has a low internal resistance, which can mean large current spikes
578   * that could be enough to cause damage to the motor and controller. This current limit provides a
579   * smarter strategy to deal with high current draws and keep the motor and controller operating in
580   * a safe region.
581   *
582   * @param limit The current limit in Amps.
583   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
584   */
585  public REVLibError setSmartCurrentLimit(int limit) {
586    throwIfClosed();
587    return setSmartCurrentLimit(limit, 0, 20000);
588  }
590  /**
591   * Sets the current limit in Amps.
592   *
593   * <p>The motor controller will reduce the controller voltage output to avoid surpassing this
594   * limit. This limit is enabled by default and used for brushless only. This limit is highly
595   * recommended when using the NEO brushless motor.
596   *
597   * <p>The NEO Brushless Motor has a low internal resistance, which can mean large current spikes
598   * that could be enough to cause damage to the motor and controller. This current limit provides a
599   * smarter strategy to deal with high current draws and keep the motor and controller operating in
600   * a safe region.
601   *
602   * <p>The controller can also limit the current based on the RPM of the motor in a linear fashion
603   * to help with controllability in closed loop control. For a response that is linear the entire
604   * RPM range leave limit RPM at 0.
605   *
606   * @param stallLimit The current limit in Amps at 0 RPM.
607   * @param freeLimit The current limit at free speed (5700RPM for NEO).
608   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
609   */
610  public REVLibError setSmartCurrentLimit(int stallLimit, int freeLimit) {
611    throwIfClosed();
612    return setSmartCurrentLimit(stallLimit, freeLimit, 20000);
613  }
615  /**
616   * Sets the current limit in Amps.
617   *
618   * <p>The motor controller will reduce the controller voltage output to avoid surpassing this
619   * limit. This limit is enabled by default and used for brushless only. This limit is highly
620   * recommended when using the NEO brushless motor.
621   *
622   * <p>The NEO Brushless Motor has a low internal resistance, which can mean large current spikes
623   * that could be enough to cause damage to the motor and controller. This current limit provides a
624   * smarter strategy to deal with high current draws and keep the motor and controller operating in
625   * a safe region.
626   *
627   * <p>The controller can also limit the current based on the RPM of the motor in a linear fashion
628   * to help with controllability in closed loop control. For a response that is linear the entire
629   * RPM range leave limit RPM at 0.
630   *
631   * @param stallLimit The current limit in Amps at 0 RPM.
632   * @param freeLimit The current limit at free speed (5700RPM for NEO).
633   * @param limitRPM RPM less than this value will be set to the stallLimit, RPM values greater than
634   *     limitRPM will scale linearly to freeLimit
635   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
636   */
637  public REVLibError setSmartCurrentLimit(int stallLimit, int freeLimit, int limitRPM) {
638    throwIfClosed();
639    return REVLibError.fromInt(
640        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetSmartCurrentLimit(
641            sparkMaxHandle, stallLimit, freeLimit, limitRPM));
642  }
644  /**
645   * Sets the secondary current limit in Amps.
646   *
647   * <p>The motor controller will disable the output of the controller briefly if the current limit
648   * is exceeded to reduce the current. This limit is a simplified 'on/off' controller. This limit
649   * is enabled by default but is set higher than the default Smart Current Limit.
650   *
651   * <p>The time the controller is off after the current limit is reached is determined by the
652   * parameter limitCycles, which is the number of PWM cycles (20kHz). The recommended value is the
653   * default of 0 which is the minimum time and is part of a PWM cycle from when the over current is
654   * detected. This allows the controller to regulate the current close to the limit value.
655   *
656   * <p>The total time is set by the equation <code>
657   * t = (50us - t0) + 50us * limitCycles
658   * t = total off time after over current
659   * t0 = time from the start of the PWM cycle until over current is detected
660   * </code>
661   *
662   * @param limit The current limit in Amps.
663   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
664   */
665  public REVLibError setSecondaryCurrentLimit(double limit) {
666    throwIfClosed();
667    return setSecondaryCurrentLimit(limit, 0);
668  }
670  /**
671   * Sets the secondary current limit in Amps.
672   *
673   * <p>The motor controller will disable the output of the controller briefly if the current limit
674   * is exceeded to reduce the current. This limit is a simplified 'on/off' controller. This limit
675   * is enabled by default but is set higher than the default Smart Current Limit.
676   *
677   * <p>The time the controller is off after the current limit is reached is determined by the
678   * parameter limitCycles, which is the number of PWM cycles (20kHz). The recommended value is the
679   * default of 0 which is the minimum time and is part of a PWM cycle from when the over current is
680   * detected. This allows the controller to regulate the current close to the limit value.
681   *
682   * <p>The total time is set by the equation <code>
683   * t = (50us - t0) + 50us * limitCycles
684   * t = total off time after over current
685   * t0 = time from the start of the PWM cycle until over current is detected
686   * </code>
687   *
688   * @param limit The current limit in Amps.
689   * @param chopCycles The number of additional PWM cycles to turn the driver off after overcurrent
690   *     is detected.
691   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
692   */
693  public REVLibError setSecondaryCurrentLimit(double limit, int chopCycles) {
694    throwIfClosed();
695    return REVLibError.fromInt(
696        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetSecondaryCurrentLimit(
697            sparkMaxHandle, (float) limit, chopCycles));
698  }
700  /**
701   * Sets the idle mode setting for the SPARK MAX.
702   *
703   * @param mode Idle mode (coast or brake).
704   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
705   */
706  public REVLibError setIdleMode(IdleMode mode) {
707    throwIfClosed();
708    return REVLibError.fromInt(CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetIdleMode(sparkMaxHandle, mode.value));
709  }
711  /**
712   * Gets the idle mode setting for the SPARK MAX.
713   *
714   * <p>This uses the Get Parameter API and should be used infrequently. This function uses a
715   * non-blocking call and will return a cached value if the parameter is not returned by the
716   * timeout. The timeout can be changed by calling SetCANTimeout(int milliseconds)
717   *
718   * @return IdleMode Idle mode setting
719   */
720  public IdleMode getIdleMode() {
721    throwIfClosed();
722    return IdleMode.fromId(CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetIdleMode(sparkMaxHandle));
723  }
725  /**
726   * Sets the voltage compensation setting for all modes on the SPARK MAX and enables voltage
727   * compensation.
728   *
729   * @param nominalVoltage Nominal voltage to compensate output to
730   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
731   */
732  public REVLibError enableVoltageCompensation(double nominalVoltage) {
733    throwIfClosed();
734    return REVLibError.fromInt(
735        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_EnableVoltageCompensation(
736            sparkMaxHandle, (float) nominalVoltage));
737  }
739  /**
740   * Disables the voltage compensation setting for all modes on the SPARK MAX.
741   *
742   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
743   */
744  public REVLibError disableVoltageCompensation() {
745    throwIfClosed();
746    return REVLibError.fromInt(
747        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_DisableVoltageCompensation(sparkMaxHandle));
748  }
750  /**
751   * Get the configured voltage compensation nominal voltage value
752   *
753   * @return The nominal voltage for voltage compensation mode.
754   */
755  public double getVoltageCompensationNominalVoltage() {
756    throwIfClosed();
757    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetVoltageCompensationNominalVoltage(sparkMaxHandle);
758  }
760  /**
761   * Sets the ramp rate for open loop control modes.
762   *
763   * <p>This is the maximum rate at which the motor controller's output is allowed to change.
764   *
765   * @param rate Time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle.
766   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
767   */
768  public REVLibError setOpenLoopRampRate(double rate) {
769    throwIfClosed();
770    return REVLibError.fromInt(
771        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetOpenLoopRampRate(sparkMaxHandle, (float) rate));
772  }
774  /**
775   * Sets the ramp rate for closed loop control modes.
776   *
777   * <p>This is the maximum rate at which the motor controller's output is allowed to change.
778   *
779   * @param rate Time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle.
780   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
781   */
782  public REVLibError setClosedLoopRampRate(double rate) {
783    throwIfClosed();
784    return REVLibError.fromInt(
785        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetClosedLoopRampRate(sparkMaxHandle, (float) rate));
786  }
788  /**
789   * Get the configured open loop ramp rate
790   *
791   * <p>This is the maximum rate at which the motor controller's output is allowed to change.
792   *
793   * @return ramp rate time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle.
794   */
795  public double getOpenLoopRampRate() {
796    throwIfClosed();
797    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetOpenLoopRampRate(sparkMaxHandle);
798  }
800  /**
801   * Get the configured closed loop ramp rate
802   *
803   * <p>This is the maximum rate at which the motor controller's output is allowed to change.
804   *
805   * @return ramp rate time in seconds to go from 0 to full throttle.
806   */
807  public double getClosedLoopRampRate() {
808    throwIfClosed();
809    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetClosedLoopRampRate(sparkMaxHandle);
810  }
812  /**
813   * Causes this controller's output to mirror the provided leader.
814   *
815   * <p>Only voltage output is mirrored. Settings changed on the leader do not affect the follower.
816   *
817   * <p>The motor will spin in the same direction as the leader. This can be changed by passing a
818   * true constant after the leader parameter.
819   *
820   * <p>Following anything other than a CAN SPARK MAX is not officially supported.
821   *
822   * @param leader The motor controller to follow.
823   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
824   */
825  public REVLibError follow(final CANSparkMax leader) {
826    throwIfClosed();
827    return follow(leader, false);
828  }
830  /**
831   * Causes this controller's output to mirror the provided leader.
832   *
833   * <p>Only voltage output is mirrored. Settings changed on the leader do not affect the follower.
834   *
835   * <p>Following anything other than a CAN SPARK MAX is not officially supported.
836   *
837   * @param leader The motor controller to follow.
838   * @param invert Set the follower to output opposite of the leader
839   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
840   */
841  public REVLibError follow(final CANSparkMax leader, boolean invert) {
842    throwIfClosed();
843    return follow(ExternalFollower.kFollowerSparkMax, leader.getDeviceId(), invert);
844  }
846  /**
847   * Causes this controller's output to mirror the provided leader.
848   *
849   * <p>Only voltage output is mirrored. Settings changed on the leader do not affect the follower.
850   *
851   * <p>The motor will spin in the same direction as the leader. This can be changed by passing a
852   * true constant after the deviceID parameter.
853   *
854   * <p>Following anything other than a CAN SPARK MAX is not officially supported.
855   *
856   * @param leader The type of motor controller to follow (Talon SRX, SPARK MAX, etc.).
857   * @param deviceID The CAN ID of the device to follow.
858   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
859   */
860  public REVLibError follow(ExternalFollower leader, int deviceID) {
861    throwIfClosed();
862    boolean inverted = CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetInverted(sparkMaxHandle);
863    return follow(leader, deviceID, inverted);
864  }
866  /**
867   * Causes this controller's output to mirror the provided leader.
868   *
869   * <p>Only voltage output is mirrored. Settings changed on the leader do not affect the follower.
870   *
871   * <p>Following anything other than a CAN SPARK MAX is not officially supported.
872   *
873   * @param leader The type of motor controller to follow (Talon SRX, SPARK MAX, etc.).
874   * @param deviceID The CAN ID of the device to follow.
875   * @param invert Set the follower to output opposite of the leader
876   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
877   */
878  public REVLibError follow(ExternalFollower leader, int deviceID, boolean invert) {
879    throwIfClosed();
880    FollowConfig maxFollower = new FollowConfig();
881    maxFollower.leaderArbId = (leader.arbId == 0 ? 0 : leader.arbId | deviceID);
882    maxFollower.config.predefined = leader.configId;
883    maxFollower.config.invert = invert ? 1 : 0;
884    return setFollow(maxFollower);
885  }
887  /**
888   * Returns whether the controller is following another controller
889   *
890   * @return True if this device is following another controller false otherwise
891   */
892  public boolean isFollower() {
893    throwIfClosed();
894    return CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_IsFollower(sparkMaxHandle);
895  }
897  /** @return All fault bits as a short */
898  public short getFaults() {
899    throwIfClosed();
900    return (short) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetFaults(sparkMaxHandle);
901  }
903  /** @return All sticky fault bits as a short */
904  public short getStickyFaults() {
905    throwIfClosed();
906    return (short) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetStickyFaults(sparkMaxHandle);
907  }
909  /**
910   * Get the value of a specific fault
911   *
912   * @param faultID The ID of the fault to retrive
913   * @return True if the fault with the given ID occurred.
914   */
915  public boolean getFault(FaultID faultID) {
916    throwIfClosed();
917    return CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetFault(sparkMaxHandle, faultID.value);
918  }
920  /**
921   * Get the value of a specific sticky fault
922   *
923   * @param faultID The ID of the sticky fault to retrive
924   * @return True if the sticky fault with the given ID occurred.
925   */
926  public boolean getStickyFault(FaultID faultID) {
927    throwIfClosed();
928    return CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetStickyFault(sparkMaxHandle, faultID.value);
929  }
931  /** @return The voltage fed into the motor controller. */
932  public double getBusVoltage() {
933    throwIfClosed();
934    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetBusVoltage(sparkMaxHandle);
935  }
937  /** @return The motor controller's applied output duty cycle. */
938  public double getAppliedOutput() {
939    throwIfClosed();
940    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetAppliedOutput(sparkMaxHandle);
941  }
943  /** @return The motor controller's output current in Amps. */
944  public double getOutputCurrent() {
945    throwIfClosed();
946    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetOutputCurrent(sparkMaxHandle);
947  }
949  /** @return The motor temperature in Celsius. */
950  public double getMotorTemperature() {
951    throwIfClosed();
952    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetMotorTemperature(sparkMaxHandle);
953  }
955  /**
956   * Clears all sticky faults.
957   *
958   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
959   */
960  public REVLibError clearFaults() {
961    throwIfClosed();
962    return REVLibError.fromInt(CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_ClearFaults(sparkMaxHandle));
963  }
965  /**
966   * Writes all settings to flash.
967   *
968   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
969   */
970  public REVLibError burnFlash() {
971    throwIfClosed();
972    return REVLibError.fromInt(CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_BurnFlash(sparkMaxHandle));
973  }
975  /**
976   * Sets timeout for sending CAN messages with SetParameter* and GetParameter* calls. These calls
977   * will block for up to this amoutn of time before returning a timeout erro. A timeout of 0 will
978   * make the SetParameter* calls non-blocking, and instead will check the response in a separate
979   * thread. With this configuration, any error messages will appear on the drivestration but will
980   * not be returned by the GetLastError() call.
981   *
982   * @param milliseconds The timeout in milliseconds.
983   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
984   */
985  public REVLibError setCANTimeout(int milliseconds) {
986    throwIfClosed();
987    return REVLibError.fromInt(
988        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetCANTimeout(sparkMaxHandle, milliseconds));
989  }
991  /**
992   * Enable soft limits
993   *
994   * @param direction the direction of motion to restrict
995   * @param enable set true to enable soft limits
996   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
997   */
998  public REVLibError enableSoftLimit(SoftLimitDirection direction, boolean enable) {
999    throwIfClosed();
1000    return REVLibError.fromInt(
1001        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_EnableSoftLimit(sparkMaxHandle, direction.value, enable));
1002  }
1004  /**
1005   * Set the soft limit based on position. The default unit is rotations, but will match the unit
1006   * scaling set by the user.
1007   *
1008   * <p>Note that this value is not scaled internally so care must be taken to make sure these units
1009   * match the desired conversion
1010   *
1011   * @param direction the direction of motion to restrict
1012   * @param limit position soft limit of the controller
1013   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
1014   */
1015  public REVLibError setSoftLimit(SoftLimitDirection direction, float limit) {
1016    throwIfClosed();
1017    return REVLibError.fromInt(
1018        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetSoftLimit(sparkMaxHandle, direction.value, limit));
1019  }
1021  /**
1022   * Get the soft limit setting in the controller
1023   *
1024   * @param direction the direction of motion to restrict
1025   * @return position soft limit setting of the controller
1026   */
1027  public double getSoftLimit(SoftLimitDirection direction) {
1028    throwIfClosed();
1029    return (double) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetSoftLimit(sparkMaxHandle, direction.value);
1030  }
1032  /**
1033   * @param direction The direction of the motion to restrict
1034   * @return true if the soft limit is enabled.
1035   */
1036  public boolean isSoftLimitEnabled(SoftLimitDirection direction) {
1037    throwIfClosed();
1038    return (boolean) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_IsSoftLimitEnabled(sparkMaxHandle, direction.value);
1039  }
1041  /**
1042   * Gets the feedback device ID that was set on SparkMax itself.
1043   *
1044   * @return Feedback device ID on the SparkMax
1045   */
1046  protected int getFeedbackDeviceID() {
1047    throwIfClosed();
1048    return (int) CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetFeedbackDeviceID(sparkMaxHandle);
1049  }
1051  /**
1052   * All device errors are tracked on a per thread basis for all devices in that thread. This is
1053   * meant to be called immediately following another call that has the possibility of returning an
1054   * error to validate if an error has occurred.
1055   *
1056   * @return the last error that was generated.
1057   */
1058  public REVLibError getLastError() {
1059    throwIfClosed();
1060    return REVLibError.fromInt(CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_GetLastError(sparkMaxHandle));
1061  }
1063  /**
1064   * Set the free speed of the motor being simulated.
1065   *
1066   * @param freeSpeed the free speed (RPM) of the motor connected to spark max
1067   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
1068   */
1069  REVLibError setSimFreeSpeed(float freeSpeed) {
1070    throwIfClosed();
1071    return REVLibError.fromInt(
1072        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetSimFreeSpeed(sparkMaxHandle, freeSpeed));
1073  }
1075  /**
1076   * Set the stall torque of the motor being simulated.
1077   *
1078   * @param stallTorque The stall torque (N m) of the motor connected to sparkmax
1079   * @return {@link REVLibError#kOk} if successful
1080   */
1081  REVLibError setSimStallTorque(float stallTorque) {
1082    throwIfClosed();
1083    return REVLibError.fromInt(
1084        CANSparkMaxJNI.c_SparkMax_SetSimStallTorque(sparkMaxHandle, stallTorque));
1085  }
1087  // package-private
1088  enum DataPortConfig {
1089    kNone(-1, "none"),
1090    kLimitSwitches(0, "limit switches"),
1091    kAltEncoder(1, "alternate encoder");
1093    final int m_value;
1094    final String m_name;
1096    DataPortConfig(int value, String name) {
1097      m_value = value;
1098      m_name = name;
1099    }
1101    public static DataPortConfig fromInt(int id) {
1102      for (DataPortConfig type : values()) {
1103        if (type.m_value == id) {
1104          return type;
1105        }
1106      }
1107      return kNone;
1108    }
1109  }