Interface EntryListenerFlags

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface EntryListenerFlags
Flag values for use with entry listeners.

The flags are a bitmask and must be OR'ed together to indicate the combination of events desired to be received.

The constants kNew, kDelete, kUpdate, and kFlags represent different events that can occur to entries.

By default, notifications are only generated for remote changes occurring after the listener is created. The constants kImmediate and kLocal are modifiers that cause notifications to be generated at other times.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int kDelete
    Entry was deleted.
    static int kFlags
    Entry's flags changed.
    static int kImmediate
    Initial listener addition.
    static int kLocal
    Changed locally.
    static int kNew
    Newly created entry.
    static int kUpdate
    Entry's value changed.
  • Field Details

    • kImmediate

      static final int kImmediate
      Initial listener addition.

      Set this flag to receive immediate notification of entries matching the flag criteria (generally only useful when combined with kNew).

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • kLocal

      static final int kLocal
      Changed locally.

      Set this flag to receive notification of both local changes and changes coming from remote nodes. By default, notifications are only generated for remote changes. Must be combined with some combination of kNew, kDelete, kUpdate, and kFlags to receive notifications of those respective events.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • kNew

      static final int kNew
      Newly created entry.

      Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry is created.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • kDelete

      static final int kDelete
      Entry was deleted.

      Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry is deleted.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • kUpdate

      static final int kUpdate
      Entry's value changed.

      Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry's value (or type) changes.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
    • kFlags

      static final int kFlags
      Entry's flags changed.

      Set this flag to receive a notification when an entry's flags value changes.

      See Also:
      Constant Field Values