Class AddressableLEDBuffer


public class AddressableLEDBuffer
extends Object
Buffer storage for Addressable LEDs.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    AddressableLEDBuffer​(int length)
    Constructs a new LED buffer with the specified length.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Color getLED​(int index)
    Gets the color at the specified index.
    Color8Bit getLED8Bit​(int index)
    Gets the color at the specified index.
    int getLength()
    Gets the buffer length.
    void setHSV​(int index, int h, int s, int v)
    Sets a specific led in the buffer.
    void setLED​(int index, Color color)
    Sets a specific LED in the buffer.
    void setLED​(int index, Color8Bit color)
    Sets a specific LED in the buffer.
    void setRGB​(int index, int r, int g, int b)
    Sets a specific led in the buffer.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setRGB

      public void setRGB​(int index, int r, int g, int b)
      Sets a specific led in the buffer.
      index - the index to write
      r - the r value [0-255]
      g - the g value [0-255]
      b - the b value [0-255]
    • setHSV

      public void setHSV​(int index, int h, int s, int v)
      Sets a specific led in the buffer.
      index - the index to write
      h - the h value [0-180]
      s - the s value [0-255]
      v - the v value [0-255]
    • setLED

      public void setLED​(int index, Color color)
      Sets a specific LED in the buffer.
      index - The index to write
      color - The color of the LED
    • setLED

      public void setLED​(int index, Color8Bit color)
      Sets a specific LED in the buffer.
      index - The index to write
      color - The color of the LED
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      Gets the buffer length.
      the buffer length
    • getLED8Bit

      public Color8Bit getLED8Bit​(int index)
      Gets the color at the specified index.
      index - the index to get
      the LED color at the specified index
    • getLED

      public Color getLED​(int index)
      Gets the color at the specified index.
      index - the index to get
      the LED color at the specified index