001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.math.estimator;
007import edu.wpi.first.math.MatBuilder;
008import edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix;
009import edu.wpi.first.math.Nat;
010import edu.wpi.first.math.StateSpaceUtil;
011import edu.wpi.first.math.VecBuilder;
012import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
013import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
014import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds;
015import edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1;
016import edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3;
017import edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N5;
018import edu.wpi.first.util.WPIUtilJNI;
019import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
022 * This class wraps an {@link edu.wpi.first.math.estimator.UnscentedKalmanFilter Unscented Kalman
023 * Filter} to fuse latency-compensated vision measurements with differential drive encoder
024 * measurements. It will correct for noisy vision measurements and encoder drift. It is intended to
025 * be an easy drop-in for {@link edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.DifferentialDriveOdometry}; in fact,
026 * if you never call {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#addVisionMeasurement} and only call
027 * {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#update} then this will behave exactly the same as
028 * DifferentialDriveOdometry.
029 *
030 * <p>{@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#update} should be called every robot loop (if your robot
031 * loops are faster than the default then you should change the {@link
032 * DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator(Rotation2d, Pose2d, Matrix, Matrix,
033 * Matrix, double) nominal delta time}.) {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#addVisionMeasurement}
034 * can be called as infrequently as you want; if you never call it then this class will behave
035 * exactly like regular encoder odometry.
036 *
037 * <p>The state-space system used internally has the following states (x), inputs (u), and outputs
038 * (y):
039 *
040 * <p><strong> x = [x, y, theta, dist_l, dist_r]ᵀ </strong> in the field coordinate system
041 * containing x position, y position, heading, left encoder distance, and right encoder distance.
042 *
043 * <p><strong> u = [v_l, v_r, dtheta]ᵀ </strong> containing left wheel velocity, right wheel
044 * velocity, and change in gyro heading.
045 *
046 * <p>NB: Using velocities make things considerably easier, because it means that teams don't have
047 * to worry about getting an accurate model. Basically, we suspect that it's easier for teams to get
048 * good encoder data than it is for them to perform system identification well enough to get a good
049 * model.
050 *
051 * <p><strong> y = [x, y, theta]ᵀ </strong> from vision containing x position, y position, and
052 * heading; or <strong>y = [dist_l, dist_r, theta] </strong> containing left encoder position, right
053 * encoder position, and gyro heading.
054 */
055public class DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator {
056  final UnscentedKalmanFilter<N5, N3, N3> m_observer; // Package-private to allow for unit testing
057  private final BiConsumer<Matrix<N3, N1>, Matrix<N3, N1>> m_visionCorrect;
058  private final KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator<N5, N3, N3> m_latencyCompensator;
060  private final double m_nominalDt; // Seconds
061  private double m_prevTimeSeconds = -1.0;
063  private Rotation2d m_gyroOffset;
064  private Rotation2d m_previousAngle;
066  private Matrix<N3, N3> m_visionContR;
068  /**
069   * Constructs a DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator.
070   *
071   * @param gyroAngle The current gyro angle.
072   * @param initialPoseMeters The starting pose estimate.
073   * @param stateStdDevs Standard deviations of model states. Increase these numbers to trust your
074   *     model's state estimates less. This matrix is in the form [x, y, theta, dist_l, dist_r]ᵀ,
075   *     with units in meters and radians.
076   * @param localMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the encoder and gyro measurements.
077   *     Increase these numbers to trust sensor readings from encoders and gyros less. This matrix
078   *     is in the form [dist_l, dist_r, theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
079   * @param visionMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the vision measurements. Increase these
080   *     numbers to trust global measurements from vision less. This matrix is in the form [x, y,
081   *     theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
082   */
083  public DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator(
084      Rotation2d gyroAngle,
085      Pose2d initialPoseMeters,
086      Matrix<N5, N1> stateStdDevs,
087      Matrix<N3, N1> localMeasurementStdDevs,
088      Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs) {
089    this(
090        gyroAngle,
091        initialPoseMeters,
092        stateStdDevs,
093        localMeasurementStdDevs,
094        visionMeasurementStdDevs,
095        0.02);
096  }
098  /**
099   * Constructs a DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator.
100   *
101   * @param gyroAngle The current gyro angle.
102   * @param initialPoseMeters The starting pose estimate.
103   * @param stateStdDevs Standard deviations of model states. Increase these numbers to trust your
104   *     model's state estimates less. This matrix is in the form [x, y, theta, dist_l, dist_r]ᵀ,
105   *     with units in meters and radians.
106   * @param localMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the encoder and gyro measurements.
107   *     Increase these numbers to trust sensor readings from encoders and gyros less. This matrix
108   *     is in the form [dist_l, dist_r, theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
109   * @param visionMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the vision measurements. Increase these
110   *     numbers to trust global measurements from vision less. This matrix is in the form [x, y,
111   *     theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
112   * @param nominalDtSeconds The time in seconds between each robot loop.
113   */
114  @SuppressWarnings("ParameterName")
115  public DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator(
116      Rotation2d gyroAngle,
117      Pose2d initialPoseMeters,
118      Matrix<N5, N1> stateStdDevs,
119      Matrix<N3, N1> localMeasurementStdDevs,
120      Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs,
121      double nominalDtSeconds) {
122    m_nominalDt = nominalDtSeconds;
124    m_observer =
125        new UnscentedKalmanFilter<>(
126            Nat.N5(),
127            Nat.N3(),
128            this::f,
129            (x, u) -> VecBuilder.fill(x.get(3, 0), x.get(4, 0), x.get(2, 0)),
130            stateStdDevs,
131            localMeasurementStdDevs,
132            AngleStatistics.angleMean(2),
133            AngleStatistics.angleMean(2),
134            AngleStatistics.angleResidual(2),
135            AngleStatistics.angleResidual(2),
136            AngleStatistics.angleAdd(2),
137            m_nominalDt);
138    m_latencyCompensator = new KalmanFilterLatencyCompensator<>();
140    // Initialize vision R
141    setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(visionMeasurementStdDevs);
143    m_visionCorrect =
144        (u, y) ->
145            m_observer.correct(
146                Nat.N3(),
147                u,
148                y,
149                (x, u1) -> new Matrix<>(x.getStorage().extractMatrix(0, 3, 0, 1)),
150                m_visionContR,
151                AngleStatistics.angleMean(2),
152                AngleStatistics.angleResidual(2),
153                AngleStatistics.angleResidual(2),
154                AngleStatistics.angleAdd(2));
156    m_gyroOffset = initialPoseMeters.getRotation().minus(gyroAngle);
157    m_previousAngle = initialPoseMeters.getRotation();
158    m_observer.setXhat(fillStateVector(initialPoseMeters, 0.0, 0.0));
159  }
161  /**
162   * Sets the pose estimator's trust of global measurements. This might be used to change trust in
163   * vision measurements after the autonomous period, or to change trust as distance to a vision
164   * target increases.
165   *
166   * @param visionMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the vision measurements. Increase these
167   *     numbers to trust global measurements from vision less. This matrix is in the form [x, y,
168   *     theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
169   */
170  public void setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs) {
171    m_visionContR = StateSpaceUtil.makeCovarianceMatrix(Nat.N3(), visionMeasurementStdDevs);
172  }
174  @SuppressWarnings({"ParameterName", "MethodName"})
175  private Matrix<N5, N1> f(Matrix<N5, N1> x, Matrix<N3, N1> u) {
176    // Apply a rotation matrix. Note that we do *not* add x--Runge-Kutta does that for us.
177    var theta = x.get(2, 0);
178    var toFieldRotation =
179        new MatBuilder<>(Nat.N5(), Nat.N5())
180            .fill(
181                Math.cos(theta),
182                -Math.sin(theta),
183                0,
184                0,
185                0,
186                Math.sin(theta),
187                Math.cos(theta),
188                0,
189                0,
190                0,
191                0,
192                0,
193                1,
194                0,
195                0,
196                0,
197                0,
198                0,
199                1,
200                0,
201                0,
202                0,
203                0,
204                0,
205                1);
206    return toFieldRotation.times(
207        VecBuilder.fill(u.get(0, 0), u.get(1, 0), u.get(2, 0), u.get(0, 0), u.get(1, 0)));
208  }
210  /**
211   * Resets the robot's position on the field.
212   *
213   * <p>You NEED to reset your encoders (to zero) when calling this method.
214   *
215   * <p>The gyroscope angle does not need to be reset here on the user's robot code. The library
216   * automatically takes care of offsetting the gyro angle.
217   *
218   * @param poseMeters The position on the field that your robot is at.
219   * @param gyroAngle The angle reported by the gyroscope.
220   */
221  public void resetPosition(Pose2d poseMeters, Rotation2d gyroAngle) {
222    // Reset state estimate and error covariance
223    m_observer.reset();
224    m_latencyCompensator.reset();
226    m_observer.setXhat(fillStateVector(poseMeters, 0.0, 0.0));
228    m_gyroOffset = getEstimatedPosition().getRotation().minus(gyroAngle);
229    m_previousAngle = poseMeters.getRotation();
230  }
232  /**
233   * Gets the pose of the robot at the current time as estimated by the Unscented Kalman Filter.
234   *
235   * @return The estimated robot pose in meters.
236   */
237  public Pose2d getEstimatedPosition() {
238    return new Pose2d(
239        m_observer.getXhat(0), m_observer.getXhat(1), new Rotation2d(m_observer.getXhat(2)));
240  }
242  /**
243   * Add a vision measurement to the Unscented Kalman Filter. This will correct the odometry pose
244   * estimate while still accounting for measurement noise.
245   *
246   * <p>This method can be called as infrequently as you want, as long as you are calling {@link
247   * DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#update} every loop.
248   *
249   * @param visionRobotPoseMeters The pose of the robot as measured by the vision camera.
250   * @param timestampSeconds The timestamp of the vision measurement in seconds. Note that if you
251   *     don't use your own time source by calling {@link
252   *     DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#updateWithTime} then you must use a timestamp with an epoch
253   *     since FPGA startup (i.e. the epoch of this timestamp is the same epoch as
254   *     Timer.getFPGATimestamp.) This means that you should use Timer.getFPGATimestamp as your time
255   *     source in this case.
256   */
257  public void addVisionMeasurement(Pose2d visionRobotPoseMeters, double timestampSeconds) {
258    m_latencyCompensator.applyPastGlobalMeasurement(
259        Nat.N3(),
260        m_observer,
261        m_nominalDt,
262        StateSpaceUtil.poseTo3dVector(visionRobotPoseMeters),
263        m_visionCorrect,
264        timestampSeconds);
265  }
267  /**
268   * Add a vision measurement to the Unscented Kalman Filter. This will correct the odometry pose
269   * estimate while still accounting for measurement noise.
270   *
271   * <p>This method can be called as infrequently as you want, as long as you are calling {@link
272   * DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#update} every loop.
273   *
274   * <p>Note that the vision measurement standard deviations passed into this method will continue
275   * to apply to future measurements until a subsequent call to {@link
276   * DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(Matrix)} or this method.
277   *
278   * @param visionRobotPoseMeters The pose of the robot as measured by the vision camera.
279   * @param timestampSeconds The timestamp of the vision measurement in seconds. Note that if you
280   *     don't use your own time source by calling {@link
281   *     DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#updateWithTime} then you must use a timestamp with an epoch
282   *     since FPGA startup (i.e. the epoch of this timestamp is the same epoch as
283   *     Timer.getFPGATimestamp.) This means that you should use Timer.getFPGATimestamp as your time
284   *     source in this case.
285   * @param visionMeasurementStdDevs Standard deviations of the vision measurements. Increase these
286   *     numbers to trust global measurements from vision less. This matrix is in the form [x, y,
287   *     theta]ᵀ, with units in meters and radians.
288   */
289  public void addVisionMeasurement(
290      Pose2d visionRobotPoseMeters,
291      double timestampSeconds,
292      Matrix<N3, N1> visionMeasurementStdDevs) {
293    setVisionMeasurementStdDevs(visionMeasurementStdDevs);
294    addVisionMeasurement(visionRobotPoseMeters, timestampSeconds);
295  }
297  /**
298   * Updates the the Unscented Kalman Filter using only wheel encoder information. Note that this
299   * should be called every loop.
300   *
301   * @param gyroAngle The current gyro angle.
302   * @param wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond The velocities of the wheels in meters per second.
303   * @param distanceLeftMeters The total distance travelled by the left wheel in meters since the
304   *     last time you called {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#resetPosition}.
305   * @param distanceRightMeters The total distance travelled by the right wheel in meters since the
306   *     last time you called {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#resetPosition}.
307   * @return The estimated pose of the robot in meters.
308   */
309  public Pose2d update(
310      Rotation2d gyroAngle,
311      DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond,
312      double distanceLeftMeters,
313      double distanceRightMeters) {
314    return updateWithTime(
315        WPIUtilJNI.now() * 1.0e-6,
316        gyroAngle,
317        wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond,
318        distanceLeftMeters,
319        distanceRightMeters);
320  }
322  /**
323   * Updates the the Unscented Kalman Filter using only wheel encoder information. Note that this
324   * should be called every loop.
325   *
326   * @param currentTimeSeconds Time at which this method was called, in seconds.
327   * @param gyroAngle The current gyro angle.
328   * @param wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond The velocities of the wheels in meters per second.
329   * @param distanceLeftMeters The total distance travelled by the left wheel in meters since the
330   *     last time you called {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#resetPosition}.
331   * @param distanceRightMeters The total distance travelled by the right wheel in meters since the
332   *     last time you called {@link DifferentialDrivePoseEstimator#resetPosition}.
333   * @return The estimated pose of the robot in meters.
334   */
335  @SuppressWarnings({"LocalVariableName", "ParameterName"})
336  public Pose2d updateWithTime(
337      double currentTimeSeconds,
338      Rotation2d gyroAngle,
339      DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond,
340      double distanceLeftMeters,
341      double distanceRightMeters) {
342    double dt = m_prevTimeSeconds >= 0 ? currentTimeSeconds - m_prevTimeSeconds : m_nominalDt;
343    m_prevTimeSeconds = currentTimeSeconds;
345    var angle = gyroAngle.plus(m_gyroOffset);
346    // Diff drive forward kinematics:
347    // v_c = (v_l + v_r) / 2
348    var wheelVels = wheelVelocitiesMetersPerSecond;
349    var u =
350        VecBuilder.fill(
351            (wheelVels.leftMetersPerSecond + wheelVels.rightMetersPerSecond) / 2,
352            0,
353            angle.minus(m_previousAngle).getRadians() / dt);
354    m_previousAngle = angle;
356    var localY = VecBuilder.fill(distanceLeftMeters, distanceRightMeters, angle.getRadians());
357    m_latencyCompensator.addObserverState(m_observer, u, localY, currentTimeSeconds);
358    m_observer.predict(u, dt);
359    m_observer.correct(u, localY);
361    return getEstimatedPosition();
362  }
364  private static Matrix<N5, N1> fillStateVector(Pose2d pose, double leftDist, double rightDist) {
365    return VecBuilder.fill(
366        pose.getTranslation().getX(),
367        pose.getTranslation().getY(),
368        pose.getRotation().getRadians(),
369        leftDist,
370        rightDist);
371  }