002// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
004package org.opencv.imgproc;
006import org.opencv.core.Mat;
007import org.opencv.core.Point;
008import org.opencv.imgproc.IntelligentScissorsMB;
010// C++: class IntelligentScissorsMB
012 * Intelligent Scissors image segmentation
013 *
014 * This class is used to find the path (contour) between two points
015 * which can be used for image segmentation.
016 *
017 * Usage example:
018 * SNIPPET: snippets/imgproc_segmentation.cpp usage_example_intelligent_scissors
019 *
020 * Reference: <a href="http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=">"Intelligent Scissors for Image Composition"</a>
021 * algorithm designed by Eric N. Mortensen and William A. Barrett, Brigham Young University
022 * CITE: Mortensen95intelligentscissors
023 */
024public class IntelligentScissorsMB {
026    protected final long nativeObj;
027    protected IntelligentScissorsMB(long addr) { nativeObj = addr; }
029    public long getNativeObjAddr() { return nativeObj; }
031    // internal usage only
032    public static IntelligentScissorsMB __fromPtr__(long addr) { return new IntelligentScissorsMB(addr); }
034    //
035    // C++:   cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::IntelligentScissorsMB()
036    //
038    public IntelligentScissorsMB() {
039        nativeObj = IntelligentScissorsMB_0();
040    }
043    //
044    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude)
045    //
047    /**
048     * Specify weights of feature functions
049     *
050     * Consider keeping weights normalized (sum of weights equals to 1.0)
051     * Discrete dynamic programming (DP) goal is minimization of costs between pixels.
052     *
053     * @param weight_non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels (default: 0.43f)
054     * @param weight_gradient_direction Specify cost of gradient direction function (default: 0.43f)
055     * @param weight_gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function (default: 0.14f)
056     * @return automatically generated
057     */
058    public IntelligentScissorsMB setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude) {
059        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setWeights_0(nativeObj, weight_non_edge, weight_gradient_direction, weight_gradient_magnitude));
060    }
063    //
064    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max = 0.0f)
065    //
067    /**
068     * Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold
069     *
070     * Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
071     * Otherwize pixels with {@code gradient magnitude >= threshold} have zero cost.
072     *
073     * <b>Note:</b> Thresholding should be used for images with irregular regions (to avoid stuck on parameters from high-contract areas, like embedded logos).
074     *
075     * @param gradient_magnitude_threshold_max Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold (default: 0, disabled)
076     * @return automatically generated
077     */
078    public IntelligentScissorsMB setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max) {
079        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_0(nativeObj, gradient_magnitude_threshold_max));
080    }
082    /**
083     * Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold
084     *
085     * Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
086     * Otherwize pixels with {@code gradient magnitude &gt;= threshold} have zero cost.
087     *
088     * <b>Note:</b> Thresholding should be used for images with irregular regions (to avoid stuck on parameters from high-contract areas, like embedded logos).
089     *
090     * @return automatically generated
091     */
092    public IntelligentScissorsMB setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit() {
093        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_1(nativeObj));
094    }
097    //
098    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value = 0.0f)
099    //
101    /**
102     * Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters
103     *
104     * This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
105     *
106     * Implementation has additional filtering for regions with low-amplitude noise.
107     * This filtering is enabled through parameter of minimal gradient amplitude (use some small value 4, 8, 16).
108     *
109     * <b>Note:</b> Current implementation of this feature extractor is based on processing of grayscale images (color image is converted to grayscale image first).
110     *
111     * <b>Note:</b> Canny edge detector is a bit slower, but provides better results (especially on color images): use setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters().
112     *
113     * @param gradient_magnitude_min_value Minimal gradient magnitude value for edge pixels (default: 0, check is disabled)
114     * @return automatically generated
115     */
116    public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value) {
117        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_0(nativeObj, gradient_magnitude_min_value));
118    }
120    /**
121     * Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters
122     *
123     * This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
124     *
125     * Implementation has additional filtering for regions with low-amplitude noise.
126     * This filtering is enabled through parameter of minimal gradient amplitude (use some small value 4, 8, 16).
127     *
128     * <b>Note:</b> Current implementation of this feature extractor is based on processing of grayscale images (color image is converted to grayscale image first).
129     *
130     * <b>Note:</b> Canny edge detector is a bit slower, but provides better results (especially on color images): use setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters().
131     *
132     * @return automatically generated
133     */
134    public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters() {
135        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_1(nativeObj));
136    }
139    //
140    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize = 3, bool L2gradient = false)
141    //
143    /**
144     * Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
145     *
146     * <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
147     *
148     * SEE: Canny
149     * @param threshold1 automatically generated
150     * @param threshold2 automatically generated
151     * @param apertureSize automatically generated
152     * @param L2gradient automatically generated
153     * @return automatically generated
154     */
155    public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize, boolean L2gradient) {
156        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_0(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2, apertureSize, L2gradient));
157    }
159    /**
160     * Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
161     *
162     * <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
163     *
164     * SEE: Canny
165     * @param threshold1 automatically generated
166     * @param threshold2 automatically generated
167     * @param apertureSize automatically generated
168     * @return automatically generated
169     */
170    public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize) {
171        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_1(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2, apertureSize));
172    }
174    /**
175     * Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
176     *
177     * <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
178     *
179     * SEE: Canny
180     * @param threshold1 automatically generated
181     * @param threshold2 automatically generated
182     * @return automatically generated
183     */
184    public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2) {
185        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_2(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2));
186    }
189    //
190    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImage(Mat image)
191    //
193    /**
194     * Specify input image and extract image features
195     *
196     * @param image input image. Type is #CV_8UC1 / #CV_8UC3
197     * @return automatically generated
198     */
199    public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImage(Mat image) {
200        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(applyImage_0(nativeObj, image.nativeObj));
201    }
204    //
205    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image = Mat())
206    //
208    /**
209     * Specify custom features of imput image
210     *
211     * Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
212     *
213     * @param non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels. Type is CV_8UC1. Expected values are {@code {0, 1}}.
214     * @param gradient_direction Specify gradient direction feature. Type is CV_32FC2. Values are expected to be normalized: {@code x^2 + y^2 == 1}
215     * @param gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function: Type is CV_32FC1. Values should be in range {@code [0, 1]}.
216     * @param image <b>Optional parameter</b>. Must be specified if subset of features is specified (non-specified features are calculated internally)
217     * @return automatically generated
218     */
219    public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image) {
220        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(applyImageFeatures_0(nativeObj, non_edge.nativeObj, gradient_direction.nativeObj, gradient_magnitude.nativeObj, image.nativeObj));
221    }
223    /**
224     * Specify custom features of imput image
225     *
226     * Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
227     *
228     * @param non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels. Type is CV_8UC1. Expected values are {@code {0, 1}}.
229     * @param gradient_direction Specify gradient direction feature. Type is CV_32FC2. Values are expected to be normalized: {@code x^2 + y^2 == 1}
230     * @param gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function: Type is CV_32FC1. Values should be in range {@code [0, 1]}.
231     * @return automatically generated
232     */
233    public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude) {
234        return new IntelligentScissorsMB(applyImageFeatures_1(nativeObj, non_edge.nativeObj, gradient_direction.nativeObj, gradient_magnitude.nativeObj));
235    }
238    //
239    // C++:  void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap(Point sourcePt)
240    //
242    /**
243     * Prepares a map of optimal paths for the given source point on the image
244     *
245     * <b>Note:</b> applyImage() / applyImageFeatures() must be called before this call
246     *
247     * @param sourcePt The source point used to find the paths
248     */
249    public void buildMap(Point sourcePt) {
250        buildMap_0(nativeObj, sourcePt.x, sourcePt.y);
251    }
254    //
255    // C++:  void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::getContour(Point targetPt, Mat& contour, bool backward = false)
256    //
258    /**
259     * Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image
260     *
261     * <b>Note:</b> buildMap() must be called before this call
262     *
263     * @param targetPt The target point
264     * @param contour The list of pixels which contains optimal path between the source and the target points of the image. Type is CV_32SC2 (compatible with {@code std::vector&lt;Point&gt;})
265     * @param backward Flag to indicate reverse order of retrived pixels (use "true" value to fetch points from the target to the source point)
266     */
267    public void getContour(Point targetPt, Mat contour, boolean backward) {
268        getContour_0(nativeObj, targetPt.x, targetPt.y, contour.nativeObj, backward);
269    }
271    /**
272     * Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image
273     *
274     * <b>Note:</b> buildMap() must be called before this call
275     *
276     * @param targetPt The target point
277     * @param contour The list of pixels which contains optimal path between the source and the target points of the image. Type is CV_32SC2 (compatible with {@code std::vector&lt;Point&gt;})
278     */
279    public void getContour(Point targetPt, Mat contour) {
280        getContour_1(nativeObj, targetPt.x, targetPt.y, contour.nativeObj);
281    }
284    @Override
285    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
286        delete(nativeObj);
287    }
291    // C++:   cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::IntelligentScissorsMB()
292    private static native long IntelligentScissorsMB_0();
294    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude)
295    private static native long setWeights_0(long nativeObj, float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude);
297    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max = 0.0f)
298    private static native long setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_0(long nativeObj, float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max);
299    private static native long setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_1(long nativeObj);
301    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value = 0.0f)
302    private static native long setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_0(long nativeObj, float gradient_magnitude_min_value);
303    private static native long setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_1(long nativeObj);
305    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize = 3, bool L2gradient = false)
306    private static native long setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_0(long nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize, boolean L2gradient);
307    private static native long setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_1(long nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize);
308    private static native long setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_2(long nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2);
310    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImage(Mat image)
311    private static native long applyImage_0(long nativeObj, long image_nativeObj);
313    // C++:  IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image = Mat())
314    private static native long applyImageFeatures_0(long nativeObj, long non_edge_nativeObj, long gradient_direction_nativeObj, long gradient_magnitude_nativeObj, long image_nativeObj);
315    private static native long applyImageFeatures_1(long nativeObj, long non_edge_nativeObj, long gradient_direction_nativeObj, long gradient_magnitude_nativeObj);
317    // C++:  void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap(Point sourcePt)
318    private static native void buildMap_0(long nativeObj, double sourcePt_x, double sourcePt_y);
320    // C++:  void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::getContour(Point targetPt, Mat& contour, bool backward = false)
321    private static native void getContour_0(long nativeObj, double targetPt_x, double targetPt_y, long contour_nativeObj, boolean backward);
322    private static native void getContour_1(long nativeObj, double targetPt_x, double targetPt_y, long contour_nativeObj);
324    // native support for java finalize()
325    private static native void delete(long nativeObj);