Class RobotBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class RobotBase
extends Object
implements AutoCloseable
Implement a Robot Program framework. The RobotBase class is intended to be subclassed by a user creating a robot program. Overridden autonomous() and operatorControl() methods are called at the appropriate time as the match proceeds. In the current implementation, the Autonomous code will run to completion before the OperatorControl code could start. In the future the Autonomous code might be spawned as a task, then killed at the end of the Autonomous period.
  • Constructor Summary

    Modifier Constructor Description
    protected RobotBase()
    Constructor for a generic robot program.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void close()  
    abstract void endCompetition()
    Ends the main loop in startCompetition().
    static boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name, boolean defaultValue)  
    static long getMainThreadId()  
    static RuntimeType getRuntimeType()
    Get the current runtime type.
    boolean isAutonomous()
    Determine if the robot is currently in Autonomous mode as determined by the field controls.
    boolean isAutonomousEnabled()
    Determine if the robot is current in Autonomous mode and enabled as determined by the field controls.
    boolean isDisabled()
    Determine if the Robot is currently disabled.
    boolean isEnabled()
    Determine if the Robot is currently enabled.
    boolean isNewDataAvailable()
    Indicates if new data is available from the driver station.
    boolean isOperatorControl()
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Use isTeleop() instead.
    boolean isOperatorControlEnabled()
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Use isTeleopEnabled() instead.
    static boolean isReal()
    Get if the robot is real.
    static boolean isSimulation()
    Get if the robot is a simulation.
    boolean isTeleop()
    Determine if the robot is currently in Operator Control mode as determined by the field controls.
    boolean isTeleopEnabled()
    Determine if the robot is current in Operator Control mode and enabled as determined by the field controls.
    boolean isTest()
    Determine if the robot is currently in Test mode as determined by the driver station.
    abstract void startCompetition()
    Provide an alternate "main loop" via startCompetition().
    static <T extends RobotBase>
    startRobot​(Supplier<T> robotSupplier)
    Starting point for the applications.
    static void suppressExitWarning​(boolean value)
    Suppress the "The robot program quit unexpectedly." message.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • RobotBase

      protected RobotBase()
      Constructor for a generic robot program. User code should be placed in the constructor that runs before the Autonomous or Operator Control period starts. The constructor will run to completion before Autonomous is entered.

      This must be used to ensure that the communications code starts. In the future it would be nice to put this code into it's own task that loads on boot so ensure that it runs.

  • Method Details

    • getMainThreadId

      public static long getMainThreadId()
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • getRuntimeType

      public static RuntimeType getRuntimeType()
      Get the current runtime type.
      Current runtime type.
    • isSimulation

      public static boolean isSimulation()
      Get if the robot is a simulation.
      If the robot is running in simulation.
    • isReal

      public static boolean isReal()
      Get if the robot is real.
      If the robot is running in the real world.
    • isDisabled

      public boolean isDisabled()
      Determine if the Robot is currently disabled.
      True if the Robot is currently disabled by the field controls.
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Determine if the Robot is currently enabled.
      True if the Robot is currently enabled by the field controls.
    • isAutonomous

      public boolean isAutonomous()
      Determine if the robot is currently in Autonomous mode as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating Autonomously.
    • isAutonomousEnabled

      public boolean isAutonomousEnabled()
      Determine if the robot is current in Autonomous mode and enabled as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating autonomously while enabled.
    • isTest

      public boolean isTest()
      Determine if the robot is currently in Test mode as determined by the driver station.
      True if the robot is currently operating in Test mode.
    • isOperatorControl

      @Deprecated(since="2022", forRemoval=true) public boolean isOperatorControl()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use isTeleop() instead.
      Determine if the robot is currently in Operator Control mode as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating in Tele-Op mode.
    • isTeleop

      public boolean isTeleop()
      Determine if the robot is currently in Operator Control mode as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating in Tele-Op mode.
    • isOperatorControlEnabled

      @Deprecated(since="2022", forRemoval=true) public boolean isOperatorControlEnabled()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use isTeleopEnabled() instead.
      Determine if the robot is current in Operator Control mode and enabled as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating in Tele-Op mode while enabled.
    • isTeleopEnabled

      public boolean isTeleopEnabled()
      Determine if the robot is current in Operator Control mode and enabled as determined by the field controls.
      True if the robot is currently operating in Tele-Op mode while enabled.
    • isNewDataAvailable

      public boolean isNewDataAvailable()
      Indicates if new data is available from the driver station.
      Has new data arrived over the network since the last time this function was called?
    • startCompetition

      public abstract void startCompetition()
      Provide an alternate "main loop" via startCompetition().
    • endCompetition

      public abstract void endCompetition()
      Ends the main loop in startCompetition().
    • getBooleanProperty

      public static boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name, boolean defaultValue)
    • suppressExitWarning

      public static void suppressExitWarning​(boolean value)
      Suppress the "The robot program quit unexpectedly." message.
      value - True if exit warning should be suppressed.
    • startRobot

      public static <T extends RobotBase> void startRobot​(Supplier<T> robotSupplier)
      Starting point for the applications.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Robot subclass.
      robotSupplier - Function that returns an instance of the robot subclass.