Class ElevatorSim


public class ElevatorSim
extends LinearSystemSim<N2,​N1,​N1>
Represents a simulated elevator mechanism.
  • Constructor Details

    • ElevatorSim

      public ElevatorSim​(LinearSystem<N2,​N1,​N1> plant, DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double drumRadiusMeters, double minHeightMeters, double maxHeightMeters)
      Creates a simulated elevator mechanism.
      plant - The linear system that represents the elevator.
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the elevator gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the elevator (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      drumRadiusMeters - The radius of the drum that the elevator spool is wrapped around.
      minHeightMeters - The min allowable height of the elevator.
      maxHeightMeters - The max allowable height of the elevator.
    • ElevatorSim

      public ElevatorSim​(LinearSystem<N2,​N1,​N1> plant, DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double drumRadiusMeters, double minHeightMeters, double maxHeightMeters, Matrix<N1,​N1> measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated elevator mechanism.
      plant - The linear system that represents the elevator.
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the elevator gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the elevator (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      drumRadiusMeters - The radius of the drum that the elevator spool is wrapped around.
      minHeightMeters - The min allowable height of the elevator.
      maxHeightMeters - The max allowable height of the elevator.
      measurementStdDevs - The standard deviations of the measurements.
    • ElevatorSim

      public ElevatorSim​(DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double carriageMassKg, double drumRadiusMeters, double minHeightMeters, double maxHeightMeters)
      Creates a simulated elevator mechanism.
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the elevator gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the elevator (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      carriageMassKg - The mass of the elevator carriage.
      drumRadiusMeters - The radius of the drum that the elevator spool is wrapped around.
      minHeightMeters - The min allowable height of the elevator.
      maxHeightMeters - The max allowable height of the elevator.
    • ElevatorSim

      public ElevatorSim​(DCMotor gearbox, double gearing, double carriageMassKg, double drumRadiusMeters, double minHeightMeters, double maxHeightMeters, Matrix<N1,​N1> measurementStdDevs)
      Creates a simulated elevator mechanism.
      gearbox - The type of and number of motors in the elevator gearbox.
      gearing - The gearing of the elevator (numbers greater than 1 represent reductions).
      carriageMassKg - The mass of the elevator carriage.
      drumRadiusMeters - The radius of the drum that the elevator spool is wrapped around.
      minHeightMeters - The min allowable height of the elevator.
      maxHeightMeters - The max allowable height of the elevator.
      measurementStdDevs - The standard deviations of the measurements.
  • Method Details