Class LinearSystemSim<States extends Num,​Inputs extends Num,​Outputs extends Num>

Type Parameters:
States - The number of states of the system.
Inputs - The number of inputs to the system.
Outputs - The number of outputs of the system.
Direct Known Subclasses:
ElevatorSim, FlywheelSim, SingleJointedArmSim

public class LinearSystemSim<States extends Num,​Inputs extends Num,​Outputs extends Num>
extends Object
This class helps simulate linear systems. To use this class, do the following in the IterativeRobotBase.simulationPeriodic() method.

Call setInput(double...) with the inputs to the system (usually voltage).

Call update(double) to update the simulation.

Set simulated sensor readings with the simulated positions in getOutput()