Class Pigeon2_Faults


public class Pigeon2_Faults extends Object
Faults available to Pigeon (Currently has none)
  • Field Details

    • HardwareFault

      public boolean HardwareFault
      Device detects hardware failure
    • APIError

      public boolean APIError
      API error detected. Make sure API and firmware versions are compatible.
    • UnderVoltage

      public boolean UnderVoltage
      Device is under 6.5V
    • ResetDuringEn

      public boolean ResetDuringEn
      Device was powered-on or reset while robot is enabled. Check your breakers and wiring.
    • SaturatedRotVelocity

      public boolean SaturatedRotVelocity
      The device rotated at a rate that exceeded its maximum. Increase the range or slow the rate of rotation.
    • SaturatedAccel

      public boolean SaturatedAccel
      The device saw an acceleration that exceeded its maximum. Increase the range or avoid high-g events.
    • SaturatedMag

      public boolean SaturatedMag
      The device saw a magnetic field that exceeded its maximum. Keep the device far from strong magnetic fields.
    • MotionDriverTookTooLong

      public boolean MotionDriverTookTooLong
      The Motion Driver Software took too long to complete. This is typical when calibrating.
    • DataAcquiredLate

      public boolean DataAcquiredLate
      The Pigeon missed an opportunity to acquire data. This is typical when calibrating.
    • BootIntoMotion

      public boolean BootIntoMotion
      The Pigeon saw motion as soon as it booted, and didn't attempt to self-test its features. This isn't an issue, but to prevent this don't turn the robot on while moving it.
    • MagnetometerFault

      public boolean MagnetometerFault
      The magnetometer failed its self-test. This is likely due to hardware damage, oftentimes from exposing the Pigeon to a very large magnetic field.
    • GyroFault

      public boolean GyroFault
      The gyro failed its self-test. This is likely due to hardware damage.
    • AccelFault

      public boolean AccelFault
      The Accelerometer failed its self-test. This is likely due to hardware damage, oftentimes from exposing the Pigeon to a very large impact.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • hasAnyFault

      public boolean hasAnyFault()
      true if any faults are tripped
    • toBitfield

      public int toBitfield()
      Current fault list as a bit field
    • update

      public void update(int bits)
      Updates current fault list with specified bit field of faults
      bits - bit field of faults to update with