Command |
The Command class is at the very core of the entire command framework.
CommandGroup |
A CommandGroup is a list of commands which are executed in sequence.
ConditionalCommand |
InstantCommand |
This command will execute once, then finish immediately afterward.
PIDCommand |
This class defines a Command which interacts heavily with a PID loop.
PIDSubsystem |
This class is designed to handle the case where there is a Subsystem which uses a single
PIDController almost constantly (for instance, an elevator which attempts to stay at a
constant height).
PrintCommand |
A PrintCommand is a command which prints out a string when it is initialized, and then
immediately finishes.
Scheduler |
The Scheduler is a singleton which holds the top-level running commands.
StartCommand |
A StartCommand will call the start() method of another command
when it is initialized and will finish immediately.
Subsystem |
This class defines a major component of the robot.
TimedCommand |
WaitCommand |
A WaitCommand will wait for a certain amount of time before finishing.
WaitForChildren |
This command will only finish if whatever CommandGroup it is in has no active children.
WaitUntilCommand |
WaitUntilCommand - waits until an absolute game time.