Class PIDCommand

All Implemented Interfaces:
Sendable, AutoCloseable

public abstract class PIDCommand
extends Command
This class defines a Command which interacts heavily with a PID loop.

It provides some convenience methods to run an internal PIDController . It will also start and stop said PIDController when the PIDCommand is first initialized and ended/interrupted.

  • Constructor Details

    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(String name, double p, double i, double d)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values.
      name - the name of the command
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(String name, double p, double i, double d, double period)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will also space the time between PID loop calculations to be equal to the given period.
      name - the name
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      period - the time (in seconds) between calculations
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(double p, double i, double d)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will use the class name as its name.
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(double p, double i, double d, double period)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will use the class name as its name. It will also space the time between PID loop calculations to be equal to the given period.
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      period - the time (in seconds) between calculations
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(String name, double p, double i, double d, Subsystem subsystem)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values.
      name - the name of the command
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      subsystem - the subsystem that this command requires
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(String name, double p, double i, double d, double period, Subsystem subsystem)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will also space the time between PID loop calculations to be equal to the given period.
      name - the name
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      period - the time (in seconds) between calculations
      subsystem - the subsystem that this command requires
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(double p, double i, double d, Subsystem subsystem)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will use the class name as its name.
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      subsystem - the subsystem that this command requires
    • PIDCommand

      public PIDCommand​(double p, double i, double d, double period, Subsystem subsystem)
      Instantiates a PIDCommand that will use the given p, i and d values. It will use the class name as its name. It will also space the time between PID loop calculations to be equal to the given period.
      p - the proportional value
      i - the integral value
      d - the derivative value
      period - the time (in seconds) between calculations
      subsystem - the subsystem that this command requires
  • Method Details

    • getPIDController

      Returns the PIDController used by this PIDCommand. Use this if you would like to fine tune the pid loop.
      the PIDController used by this PIDCommand
    • setSetpointRelative

      public void setSetpointRelative​(double deltaSetpoint)
      Adds the given value to the setpoint. If setInputRange(...) was used, then the bounds will still be honored by this method.
      deltaSetpoint - the change in the setpoint
    • setSetpoint

      protected void setSetpoint​(double setpoint)
      Sets the setpoint to the given value. If setInputRange(...) was called, then the given setpoint will be trimmed to fit within the range.
      setpoint - the new setpoint
    • getSetpoint

      protected double getSetpoint()
      Returns the setpoint.
      the setpoint
    • getPosition

      protected double getPosition()
      Returns the current position.
      the current position
    • setInputRange

      protected void setInputRange​(double minimumInput, double maximumInput)
      Sets the maximum and minimum values expected from the input and setpoint.
      minimumInput - the minimum value expected from the input and setpoint
      maximumInput - the maximum value expected from the input and setpoint
    • returnPIDInput

      protected abstract double returnPIDInput()
      Returns the input for the pid loop.

      It returns the input for the pid loop, so if this command was based off of a gyro, then it should return the angle of the gyro.

      All subclasses of PIDCommand must override this method.

      This method will be called in a different thread then the Scheduler thread.

      the value the pid loop should use as input
    • usePIDOutput

      protected abstract void usePIDOutput​(double output)
      Uses the value that the pid loop calculated. The calculated value is the "output" parameter. This method is a good time to set motor values, maybe something along the lines of driveline.tankDrive(output, -output)

      All subclasses of PIDCommand must override this method.

      This method will be called in a different thread then the Scheduler thread.

      output - the value the pid loop calculated
    • initSendable

      public void initSendable​(SendableBuilder builder)
      Description copied from interface: Sendable
      Initializes this Sendable object.
      Specified by:
      initSendable in interface Sendable
      initSendable in class Command
      builder - sendable builder